Metro Bowl Titles: 0   |   Metropolitan Conf. Titles: 1   |   Metro Bowl Appearances: 1   |   Playoff Appearances: 2


Offense      Name                 Jersey   Age  Strength  Quickness  Speed  Receiving  FumPct  Leadership  Read   Accuracy  Avoid-Ints
QB1 Hudson, Chuck 12 29 7 7 9 1 3% 9 9 9-9-9 9-9-8
QB2 Goody, Kyle 1 24 6 8 8 3 3% 6 7 9-8-9 9-8-9
HB1 Murphy, Gregory 22 23 9 7 9 9 2% 9 7
HB2 Skoronski, Bryan 46 23 8 9 8 6 2% 7 7
FB1 Carlson, Jimmy 25 34 3 3 1 5 2% 6 8
FB2 Miller, Terry 33 29 7 8 4 5 4% 6 6
TE1 Middleton, Sam 48 24 8 7 9 8 1% 7 9
TE2 Kelsey, Thurman 82 35 5 5 5 5 2% 7 8
TE3 Groza, Richard 46 25 6 8 7 8 3% 7 7
SE1 Henning, Frances 19 31 7 9 9 7 3% 8 8
SE2 Steward, Reed 12 32 6 7 6 8 2% 5 2
WR1 Currie, Stephen 13 22 3 8 9 9 3% 6 8
WR2 McClanahan, Jeramy 11 35 5 3 5 5 4% 6 4
WR3 Tang, Dante 13 33 4 3 4 6 2% 4 3

Off Linemen Name Jersey Age RunBlock PassBlock
OLT Sidney, Scott 64 23 9 8
OLG Merrick, Matt 60 33 4 5
CTR Enos, Percy 77 29 9 8
ORG Schmidt, Richard 67 21 8 9
ORT Sherrod, Mitch 71 35 5 6
OL6 Fischer, Erick 68 31 6 7

Def Linemen Name Jersey Age vsRun PassRush
DLE Lynn, Kirk 72 22 8 8
DLT/NG Palmer, Nicholas 93 24 9 9
DRT Hardy, Jae 91 30 6 6
DRE Jaynes, Cruz 69 33 4 3
DL5 Pike, Deandre 92 36 5 3

LBs and DBs Name Jersey Age vsRun Pass Rush vsPass Reaction
LOLB Pricer, Rodney 57 26 7 9 9 8
ROLB Hastings, Jess 42 34 3 6 4 5
LILB/MLB Budd, Gary 54 26 7 8 6 8
RILB Smith, Alvin 58 28 9 6 6 6
LB5 Guglielmi, Jason 46 22 8 7 6 6
LCB Patterson, Markus 23 34 6 4 5 7
FS Gamez, Paul 24 34 1 5 4 6
SS Stratford, Vincent 31 23 9 6 7 8
RCB Butler, Tom 20 24 9 7 9 6
Nickel Flemming, Jamaal 28 33 5 4 5 4
Dime McDonnell, Adan 26 32 5 6 6 6
DB7 Messer, Kyle 37 35 4 5 3 3

Kicker Name Jersey Age Kickoffs FG:18-19yds 20-29yds 30-39yds 40-49yds 50+yds PAT%
Kicker Schmitz, Corey 5 41 53 Yds 92% 88% 73% 69% 42% 98

Punter Name Jersey Age Avg Punt Inside20 Blocked Returned AvgRet
Punter Dibble, Willie 2 23 42 Yds 33% 1% 36% 9 yds

Kick Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
KRET1 Stein, Pete 35 25 26 Yds 99 Yds 1%
KRET2 Barlow, Dean 23 22 23 Yds 92 Yds 2%

Punt Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
PRET1 Homan, Francesco 39 30 16 Yds 88 Yds 6%
PRET2 McClain, Jeramy 21 32 6 Yds 14 Yds 0%

(Market Size: Medium) ... is a city built on hard work and grit. Over time, it has grown into a thriving place, attracting new businesses and people, including many European immigrants who have added to the city's hardworking character. With a history of commercial success, Brandenburg has also invested in its cultural resources, driven by the same determination that built the city.

At the heart of Brandenburg is its beloved football team, the Brahmas. Named after the tough Brahma bull, the team symbolizes the city's strength and durability. Brahma fans are known for their passion and quirky spirit, making the home-field advantage something special.

Metro Football League teams, players and cities are totally fictional.