Metro Bowl Titles: 0   |   Metropolitan Conf. Titles: 0   |   Metro Bowl Appearances: 0   |   Playoff Appearances: 1


Offense      Name                 Jersey   Age  Strength  Quickness  Speed  Receiving  FumPct  Leadership  Read   Accuracy  Avoid-Ints
QB1 Sinclair, John 1 39 5 3 3 1 3% 7 9 8-8-7 6-7-6
QB2 Karilivacz, Henry 8 22 6 9 8 3 2% 4 9 8-8-7 8-9-6
HB1 Massey, Logan 24 30 9 9 7 9 2% 9 7
HB2 Gilson, Mose 88 32 7 6 8 8 1% 6 4
FB1 Kramer, Ricky 44 25 8 7 6 8 2% 7 7
FB2 Justus, Kelley 40 32 7 5 3 7 1% 5 2
TE1 Rutherford, Herbert 45 23 9 9 9 8 1% 8 8
TE2 Baumann, Max 81 23 9 9 9 7 2% 8 8
TE3 Springfield, Dom 81 24 6 9 5 8 2% 6 9
SE1 Gooden, Marcus 81 31 6 8 8 9 3% 8 7
SE2 Pinkerton, Emerson 89 22 8 7 6 8 3% 9 8
WR1 Robinson, Ray 17 32 6 9 9 9 1% 8 8
WR2 Scales, George 11 32 6 7 9 8 3% 5 3
WR3 Mueller, Boris 15 31 6 7 7 7 1% 7 7

Off Linemen Name Jersey Age RunBlock PassBlock
OLT Ingle, Rocky 65 35 7 5
OLG Vallejo, Fermin 78 31 5 8
CTR Glynn, Curtis 69 33 6 6
ORG Jergin, Jonah 79 36 4 4
ORT Hughes, Billy 68 21 8 8
OL6 Watt, Erich 63 34 5 3

Def Linemen Name Jersey Age vsRun PassRush
DLE Hooks, Jeremy 76 36 7 6
DLT/NG Dorsey, Marcelino 97 29 8 7
DRT Schneider, Blaine 74 22 6 8
DRE Nagler, Henry 79 27 7 7
DL5 Wiggins, Adolfo 94 30 7 5

LBs and DBs Name Jersey Age vsRun Pass Rush vsPass Reaction
LOLB Glick, Greg 92 25 9 9 9 9
ROLB Judge, Al 91 22 9 8 8 6
LILB/MLB Ansley, Jerry 44 22 8 9 9 8
RILB Regalado, Rex 53 35 6 3 1 5
LB5 Riddick, Kip 42 30 5 6 7 7
LCB Fischer, Willie 34 27 7 9 8 9
FS Hornsby, Dean 25 22 8 6 7 6
SS Bentham, Rosey 44 25 6 8 9 6
RCB Gorham, Carey 21 32 6 8 8 8
Nickel Morton, Gene 49 27 5 6 7 7
Dime Sears, Herbert 34 25 7 7 6 6
DB7 Walling, Aron 27 30 6 6 6 6

Kicker Name Jersey Age Kickoffs FG:18-19yds 20-29yds 30-39yds 40-49yds 50+yds PAT%
Kicker Carbone, Duane 2 41 59 Yds 97% 94% 75% 75% 29% 87

Punter Name Jersey Age Avg Punt Inside20 Blocked Returned AvgRet
Punter Acton, Nathan 6 23 46 Yds 42% 1% 42% 6 yds

Kick Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
KRET1 Cullen, Raymond 46 26 25 Yds 99 Yds 1%
KRET2 Light, Taylor 25 29 23 Yds 92 Yds 2%

Punt Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
PRET1 Watts, Rayford 11 32 13 Yds 87 Yds 3%
PRET2 Pool, Walton 88 32 6 Yds 14 Yds 0%

 (Market Size: Medium) ... is split into three main areas: Eastbay, Northbay, and Southbay. In the past, generations of locals made their living from whaling, fishing, shipbuilding, salt-making, and cranberry farming. Nowadays, tourism is the big draw, with people coming to enjoy the city’s historic feel and beautiful coastline. But during warm, rainy seasons, the sea can get wild, with funnel clouds sometimes forming twisters over the water, though they rarely hit land.

The Newport Bay Cyclones, the city’s pro football team, get their name from these powerful storms, reflecting the strength and unpredictability of the sea. Cyclone fans are fiercely loyal, treating players like family. They quickly embrace new team members, and while they might grumble about the team, they’ll defend them against any outside criticism.

Metro Football League teams, players and cities are totally fictional.