Metro Bowl Titles: 0   |   Cosmopolitan Conf. Titles: 3   |   Metro Bowl Appearances: 3   |   Playoff Appearances: 4


Offense      Name                 Jersey   Age  Strength  Quickness  Speed  Receiving  FumPct  Leadership  Read   Accuracy  Avoid-Ints
QB1 St. John, John 8 31 8 8 8 1 4% 8 9 9-9-9 7-9-7
QB2 Lee, George 1 23 6 9 7 3 3% 5 7 9-8-8 9-9-7
HB1 Royal, Timmy 33 34 5 6 6 3 1% 9 9
HB2 Lewis, Marc 49 26 8 9 7 6 2% 7 7
FB1 Clemens, Derek 32 33 7 8 6 6 2% 7 6
FB2 Tuck, Wally 38 30 8 7 5 5 3% 5 3
TE1 Swayed, John 47 24 8 7 8 9 1% 8 8
TE2 Wilkins, Les 81 30 9 6 9 7 1% 6 3
TE3 Blackwood, Kline 80 22 5 7 8 7 2% 6 7
SE1 Bradshaw, Maury 10 24 7 9 8 8 2% 8 7
SE2 Norman, Lindon 83 22 8 9 8 6 1% 9 7
WR1 Belton, Dick 13 30 7 8 9 8 1% 9 9
WR2 Goetz, Antony 84 30 6 9 9 7 3% 6 4
WR3 Morris, Leon 87 22 8 5 9 8 3% 7 6

Off Linemen Name Jersey Age RunBlock PassBlock
OLT Logue, Peter 61 31 7 8
OLG Ivory, Granville 64 35 5 7
CTR Gillen, Gene 77 34 6 5
ORG Shaw, Duane 61 23 9 9
ORT Weber, Jamal 78 31 8 8
OL6 Stourton, Charile 71 23 9 6

Def Linemen Name Jersey Age vsRun PassRush
DLE Moore, Roy 69 22 8 7
DLT/NG Abreu, Caleb 99 35 5 4
DRT Banda, Michel 90 33 3 3
DRE Reichert, Salvador 94 29 7 6
DL5 Stansfield, Alexande 54 25 5 8

LBs and DBs Name Jersey Age vsRun Pass Rush vsPass Reaction
LOLB Burk, Bob 56 21 8 7 7 7
ROLB Casares, Buzz 40 27 7 7 8 7
LILB/MLB Coley, Brice 54 29 8 7 7 7
RILB Cott, Bobby 46 25 7 6 6 7
LB5 Copeland, Max 95 23 6 7 9 5
LCB Tanaka, Earle 31 32 9 9 8 8
FS Young, Weldon 34 27 9 6 8 6
SS Spalding, Raymond 47 23 8 6 9 6
RCB Turley, Stephan 25 29 8 7 7 9
Nickel Sorensen, Rosario 26 34 2 6 4 5
Dime Nolan, Lou 46 25 7 6 6 7
DB7 Barnard, Branden 21 35 3 3 4 5

Kicker Name Jersey Age Kickoffs FG:18-19yds 20-29yds 30-39yds 40-49yds 50+yds PAT%
Kicker Hass, Stefan 4 38 62 Yds 97% 88% 81% 46% 35% 94

Punter Name Jersey Age Avg Punt Inside20 Blocked Returned AvgRet
Punter Box, Don 15 23 45 Yds 39% 1% 39% 6 yds

Kick Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
KRET1 Bagwell, Dick 33 34 24 Yds 36 Yds 0%
KRET2 Cobbler, Mitchell 37 26 22 Yds 41 Yds 0%

Punt Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
PRET1 Bolden, Diego 10 34 8 Yds 9 Yds 0%
PRET2 Leggett, Taylor 25 29 9 Yds 76 Yds 2%

(Market Size: Average) ... is one of the most diverse cities in the country, with at least 81 different languages and dialects spoken. The Port of Oakdale is a major hub, covering over 19 miles of shoreline, and the city also operates Oakdale International Airport. Visitors can easily reach the city via rail or bus from the iconic Grand World Rail Station. Known as the Rock-N-Roll capital, Oakdale is famous for its sock-hops and rock clubs.

The Oakdale Nightbirds, the city's pro football team, take inspiration from the owl, symbolizing wisdom and vigilance. Nightbird fans are incredibly loyal, always confident that their team will win the championship every season.

Metro Football League teams, players and cities are totally fictional.