Metro Bowl Titles: 0   |   Metropolitan Conf. Titles: 0   |   Metro Bowl Appearances: 0   |   Playoff Appearances: 0


Offense      Name                 Jersey   Age  Strength  Quickness  Speed  Receiving  FumPct  Leadership  Read   Accuracy  Avoid-Ints
QB1 Hughes, Blaine 10 23 6 8 7 8 2% 9 9 9-8-9 9-7-9
QB2 Stephens, Vitamin 15 26 6 7 5 6 3% 9 6 9-8-8 6-7-8
HB1 Colby, Steven 20 26 8 8 9 6 1% 8 7
HB2 Ramirez, Horace 25 23 7 8 9 6 1% 8 8
FB1 Reaves, Aron 46 36 3 3 1 2 2% 6 5
FB2 Sherrill, Alejandro 34 34 4 3 1 3 5% 6 4
TE1 Cass, Jarrett 80 30 9 8 7 7 2% 9 7
TE2 Ritchie, Roger 84 34 5 7 3 8 1% 7 9
TE3 Perales, Joseph 45 32 8 8 6 6 2% 4 4
SE1 Coffey, Randal 13 32 8 9 9 9 2% 6 7
SE2 Temple, Dante 13 29 7 8 8 5 3% 7 9
WR1 Sugar, Roy 84 22 5 9 9 9 1% 9 9
WR2 Adam, Devin 12 29 6 8 9 7 4% 9 9
WR3 Embry, Quinn 18 31 6 7 8 8 4% 5 3

Off Linemen Name Jersey Age RunBlock PassBlock
OLT Wolf, Jack 68 23 7 9
OLG Langley, Carey 66 34 4 6
CTR Peters, Karl 74 21 8 9
ORG Marlowe, Kline 70 25 9 9
ORT Stine, Jack 74 32 9 7
OL6 Cobbler, Bob 65 24 8 8

Def Linemen Name Jersey Age vsRun PassRush
DLE Brent, Gerald 54 24 9 7
DLT/NG Sheehan, Red 53 21 9 8
DRT Tunnell, Ebert 52 24 7 7
DRE Lee, Michael 95 23 8 6
DL5 Elias, Jason 99 36 3 5

LBs and DBs Name Jersey Age vsRun Pass Rush vsPass Reaction
LOLB Pepper, Jewel 54 35 5 6 3 7
ROLB Rooney, Jess 58 31 7 7 6 8
LILB/MLB Young, Glenn 54 24 9 9 6 8
RILB Peterson, Lonnie 47 22 9 7 7 6
LB5 Cunningham, TE3 94 23 6 7 7 7
LCB Lipscomb, Jerry 36 25 7 8 9 9
FS Thompson, Danny 22 27 9 9 6 7
SS McGee, Derrell 41 24 9 9 8 7
RCB Meadows, Gregory 47 26 9 7 9 7
Nickel Hewitt, Mac 29 31 6 7 8 6
Dime Barnette, Marcel 23 36 3 4 2 6
DB7 Clanton, Hai 21 30 8 6 6 4

Kicker Name Jersey Age Kickoffs FG:18-19yds 20-29yds 30-39yds 40-49yds 50+yds PAT%
Kicker Crespo, Maximo 7 34 61 Yds 95% 94% 92% 70% 30% 99

Punter Name Jersey Age Avg Punt Inside20 Blocked Returned AvgRet
Punter Wolf, Don 8 24 46 Yds 35% 1% 42% 6 yds

Kick Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
KRET1 Gainey, Tad 17 32 26 Yds 39 Yds 0%
KRET2 Avery, Jarod 85 30 25 Yds 35 Yds 0%

Punt Ret Name Jersey Age Avg Return Longest TDs
PRET1 Foley, Dub 40 28 9 Yds 50 Yds 1%
PRET2 Milton, Ollie 39 26 8 Yds 36 Yds 0%

(Market Size: Really big) ... is known for its mix of old-world charm and modern flair. As one of the biggest ports in the country, the city is thriving, with tons of money being poured into new developments. Despite the upgrades, Seaside has held onto its rich history, lively nightlife, great food, and romantic vibe, blending the past with the present.

The Seaside Invaders football team reflects this mix—glamorous on the surface but tough and competitive at heart. The name "Invaders" ties back to the city’s maritime roots, reminding everyone of the powerful ships and explorers that once sailed through. This bold spirit runs deep in the team and its fans, making it one of the toughest places to play in the league. The team fully embraces this fierce attitude.

Metro Football League teams, players and cities are totally fictional.