S E A S O N  # 5

Season Stats for BAY CITY (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
BAY CITY 63 76 43 74 0 256
Opponents 41 102 37 89 0 269

Game Stats BAY CITY Opponents
Scoring 256 269
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 207 (64/123/20) 207 (65/117/25)
Rushes - Yards 317 - 1286 307 - 1339
Passing Yards 2796 2737
Sacked - Yards Lost 30 - 148 27 - 180
Total Offense 3934 3896
Comp-Att-Int 212-346-10 (61.3%) 235-362-9 (64.9%)
Fumbles / Lost 11-5 7-4
Turnovers 15 13
Penalties-Yards 42-438 41-349
Punts / Average 60-42.7 54-41.2
Field Goals Made / Att 14-17 11-17
Third Downs Converted 60-145 (41.4%) 69-155 (44.5%)
Fourth Downs Converted 1-5 (20.0%) 2-5 (40.0%)
Time of Possession 250:20 269:40

BAY CITY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Jim Daugherty [QB] 212 346 61.3 2796 8.1 123 22 10 79T 30 148 96.0
Asa McCormack [QB] 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

BAY CITY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Dean Brink [HB] (R) 222 991 4.5 45 5 43 8 4
Jeramy Hall [HB] 39 125 3.2 7 1 25 0 0
Jim Daugherty [QB] 35 155 4.4 10 2 27 0 0
Phil Lugo [FB] 18 12 0.7 2 0 5 1 0
Dave Chapa [FB] 1 2 2.0 0 0 2 0 0
Taylor Everett [TE] 1 2 2.0 0 0 2 0 0
Jimmy Bishop [TE] (R) 1 -1 -1.0 0 0 0 0 0

BAY CITY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Tommy Bohemia [WR] 54 751 13.9 37 5 79T
Taylor Everett [TE] 45 530 11.8 25 7 48T
Dean Brink [HB] (R) 34 414 12.2 16 2 49
Branden Todd [WR] 32 539 16.8 23 8 53
Chad Cary [WR] 28 429 15.3 17 0 43
Jimmy Bishop [TE] (R) 7 47 6.7 1 0 20
Rene Hathaway [TE] 4 43 10.8 1 0 29
Jeramy Hall [HB] 3 23 7.7 2 0 11
Phil Lugo [FB] 3 16 5.3 0 0 6
Bryan Quezada [WR] 2 4 2.0 1 0 6
Quintin Payton [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

BAY CITY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Dean Brink [HB] (R) 991 414 1405 0 45 16 7
Tommy Bohemia [WR] 0 751 751 0 0 37 5
Branden Todd [WR] 0 539 539 0 0 23 8
Taylor Everett [TE] 2 530 532 0 0 25 7
Chad Cary [WR] 0 429 429 0 0 17 0
Jim Daugherty [QB] 155 0 155 123 10 0 2
Jeramy Hall [HB] 125 23 148 0 7 2 1
Jimmy Bishop [TE] (R) -1 47 46 0 0 1 0
Rene Hathaway [TE] 0 43 43 0 0 1 0
Phil Lugo [FB] 12 16 28 0 2 0 0
Bryan Quezada [WR] 0 4 4 0 0 1 0
Dave Chapa [FB] 2 0 2 0 0 0 0

BAY CITY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Andre Svare [LCB] 62 0 0 0 0 1 0
Mac Soltau [DLT/NG] 60 19 0 6 0 0 0
Sam Fulton [RCB] (R) 60 1 0 0 4 1 0
Weldon Simon [LILB/MLB] 59 6 0 0 0 0 0
Wayne Milton [LOLB] (R) 49 7 0 5 0 0 0
Gary Masters [DRT] 48 12 0 4 0 0 0
Jon Pfeiffer [FS] 48 0 0 0 0 1 0
Rickey Dietrich [SS] (R) 47 0 0 0 3 0 0
Russ Sanchez [ROLB] 38 2 0 0 1 0 0
Timothy Lange [DLE] 37 9 1 5 0 1 0
Ralph Vogt [DRE] 27 9 0 6 0 0 0
Duane Tharp [RILB] 11 1 0 1 0 0 0
Daron Schmid [DB] 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
Graig Iococca [Nickel] 9 0 0 0 1 0 0
Dante Pike [DL] 3 1 0 0 0 0 0

BAY CITY Kicking
Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Dusty Hobson 17 14 82.4 45 26 24 92.3 66

BAY CITY Punting
Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Kip Hooper 60 2559 42.7 54 0 20 4

BAY CITY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Brendan Tatum 13 368 28.3 35 0
Adolph James 9 215 23.9 29 0

BAY CITY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Brendon Todd 15 69 4.6 20 0 10
Adalberto Johns 7 24 3.4 7 0 3

Season Stats for BRANDENBURG (8-5-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
BRANDENBURG 76 92 47 98 9 322
Opponents 36 83 40 98 0 257

Game Stats BRANDENBURG Opponents
Scoring 322 257
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 226 (82/128/16) 211 (63/136/12)
Rushes - Yards 357 - 1785 269 - 1167
Passing Yards 2942 3052
Sacked - Yards Lost 23 - 124 21 - 109
Total Offense 4603 4110
Comp-Att-Int 237-341-2 (69.5%) 261-406-9 (64.3%)
Fumbles / Lost 15-9 12-8
Turnovers 11 17
Penalties-Yards 42-362 39-348
Punts / Average 51-42.2 50-43.7
Field Goals Made / Att 22-27 18-23
Third Downs Converted 68-154 (44.2%) 50-139 (36.0%)
Fourth Downs Converted 0-4 (0.0%) 4-11 (36.4%)
Time of Possession 287:45 244:20

Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Chuck Hudson [QB] 208 300 69.3 2568 8.6 115 20 2 75T 22 118 115.0
Kyle Goody [QB] 29 41 70.7 374 9.1 13 4 0 76T 1 6 131.6

Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Gregory Murphy [HB] 210 1132 5.4 51 9 80T 3 3
Bryan Skoronski [HB] (R) 60 306 5.1 9 0 50 3 2
Jimmy Carlson [FB] 38 142 3.7 9 2 29 0 0
Chuck Hudson [QB] 27 150 5.6 10 0 39 0 0
Terry Miller [FB] 14 34 2.4 2 0 9 2 0
Kyle Goody [QB] 3 9 3.0 1 1 7T 0 0
Sam Middleton [TE] 3 12 4.0 0 0 6 0 0
Thurman Kelsey [TE] 1 -2 -2.0 0 0 0 1 0
Stephen Currie [WR] (R) 1 2 2.0 0 0 2 3 2

BRANDENBURG Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Stephen Currie [WR] (R) 67 912 13.6 36 5 75T
Sam Middleton [TE] 41 440 10.7 19 5 40
Gregory Murphy [HB] 36 272 7.6 13 0 25
Jeramy McClanahan [WR] 32 617 19.3 25 7 76T
Frances Henning [WR] 25 364 14.6 17 5 68T
Thurman Kelsey [TE] 21 220 10.5 11 2 25
Jimmy Carlson [FB] 10 93 9.3 6 0 27
Bryan Skoronski [HB] (R) 3 14 4.7 0 0 6
Terry Miller [FB] 2 10 5.0 1 0 8
Reed Steward [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Richard Groza [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Dante Tang [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Gregory Murphy [HB] 1132 272 1404 0 51 13 9
Stephen Currie [WR] (R) 2 912 914 0 0 36 5
Jeramy McClanahan [WR] 0 617 617 0 0 25 7
Sam Middleton [TE] 12 440 452 0 0 19 5
Frances Henning [WR] 0 364 364 0 0 17 5
Bryan Skoronski [HB] (R) 306 14 320 0 9 0 0
Jimmy Carlson [FB] 142 93 235 0 9 6 2
Thurman Kelsey [TE] -2 220 218 0 0 11 2
Chuck Hudson [QB] 150 0 150 115 10 0 0
Terry Miller [FB] 34 10 44 0 2 1 0
Kyle Goody [QB] 9 0 9 13 1 0 1

BRANDENBURG Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Nicholas Palmer [DLT/NG] 59 20 0 8 0 1 0
Markus Patterson [LCB] 58 2 0 0 2 0 0
Jess Hastings [ROLB] 58 4 0 1 1 1 0
Gary Budd [LILB/MLB] 56 6 0 0 1 1 0
Vincent Stratford [SS] 54 0 0 0 1 1 0
Alvin Smith [RILB] 53 8 0 1 0 1 0
Tom Butler [RCB] 53 0 0 0 2 1 0
Rodney Pricer [LOLB] 50 8 0 7 2 0 0
Paul Gamez [FS] 36 2 0 0 0 0 0
Kirk Lynn [DLE] (R) 31 8 0 3 0 2 0
Cruz Jaynes [DRE] 25 9 0 1 0 0 0
Jamaal Flemming [Nickel] 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Jae Hardy [DRT] 6 5 0 0 0 0 0
Adan McDonnell [Dime] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Corey Schmitz 27 22 81.5 54 30 30 100.0 96

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Willie Dibble 51 2153 42.2 61 0 24 5

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Pete Stein 10 350 35.0 97 1
Dean Barlow 5 112 22.4 30 0

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Francesco Homan 14 161 11.5 56 0 6
Jeramy McClain 2 10 5.0 6 0 4

Season Stats for CAPE CITY (6-6-1)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
CAPE CITY 51 43 57 84 0 235
Opponents 38 65 28 112 9 252

Game Stats CAPE CITY Opponents
Scoring 235 252
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 202 (76/112/14) 199 (59/123/17)
Rushes - Yards 339 - 1363 312 - 1221
Passing Yards 2647 2735
Sacked - Yards Lost 29 - 152 21 - 99
Total Offense 3858 3857
Comp-Att-Int 225-341-6 (66.0%) 221-330-6 (67.0%)
Fumbles / Lost 10-3 5-5
Turnovers 9 11
Penalties-Yards 42-409 38-308
Punts / Average 65-43.6 65-43.9
Field Goals Made / Att 18-20 8-12
Third Downs Converted 67-162 (41.4%) 55-142 (38.7%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-4 (75.0%) 3-5 (60.0%)
Time of Possession 278:52 260:49

CAPE CITY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Harold Knight [QB] 186 270 68.9 2205 8.2 94 15 5 69T 22 105 104.3
Boris Giordano [QB] 39 71 54.9 442 6.2 18 3 1 48 7 47 82.0

CAPE CITY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
James Aaron [HB] 162 574 3.5 34 4 23 2 0
Ben Cummings [HB] 54 207 3.8 11 0 42 1 0
Harold Knight [QB] 51 369 7.2 19 2 42 2 1
Brent Parrish [FB] 30 82 2.7 5 0 13 2 0
Marcelo Rich [FB] 29 80 2.8 5 1 30 1 1
Boris Giordano [QB] 6 33 5.5 1 0 15 0 0
Antwan Coburn [WR] 4 10 2.5 1 0 9 0 0
Philip Shoemaker [TE] (R) 2 6 3.0 0 0 6 0 0
Norb Kimberley [WR] 1 2 2.0 0 0 2 2 1

CAPE CITY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Norb Kimberley [WR] 52 699 13.4 30 4 48
Philip Shoemaker [TE] (R) 49 573 11.7 19 4 38
Antwan Coburn [WR] 44 600 13.6 28 3 69T
James Aaron [HB] 31 259 8.4 10 1 46
Andy Cotton [WR] 28 347 12.4 18 5 34
Ben Cummings [HB] 8 67 8.4 3 1 23
Marcelo Rich [FB] 8 55 6.9 2 0 16
Scotty Rafferty [WR] 2 28 14.0 1 0 23
Darren Walcott [TE] 2 14 7.0 1 0 7
Brent Parrish [FB] 1 5 5.0 0 0 5
Michal Roberson [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Jim Jett [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

CAPE CITY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
James Aaron [HB] 574 259 833 0 34 10 5
Norb Kimberley [WR] 2 699 701 0 0 30 4
Antwan Coburn [WR] 10 600 610 0 1 28 3
Philip Shoemaker [TE] (R) 6 573 579 0 0 19 4
Harold Knight [QB] 369 0 369 94 19 0 2
Andy Cotton [WR] 0 347 347 0 0 18 5
Ben Cummings [HB] 207 67 274 0 11 3 1
Marcelo Rich [FB] 80 55 135 0 5 2 1
Brent Parrish [FB] 82 5 87 0 5 0 0
Boris Giordano [QB] 33 0 33 18 1 0 0
Scotty Rafferty [WR] 0 28 28 0 0 1 0
Darren Walcott [TE] 0 14 14 0 0 1 0

CAPE CITY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Carl Alton [SS] 73 2 0 0 1 1 0
Vick Taybeck [LOLB] 63 9 0 6 0 1 0
Francis Whittenton [LCB] 53 0 0 0 1 1 0
Devin Parra [DRT] 49 11 0 2 0 0 0
Ben Jacoby [FS] 47 1 0 0 0 0 0
Lonnie Daly [RCB] (R) 47 0 0 0 3 0 1
Lenny McDonnell [LILB/MLB] 45 2 0 0 0 0 0
Johnny Manley [ROLB] (R) 41 2 0 0 0 0 0
Gene Yardley [DLE] 39 13 0 5 0 0 0
Donny Walling [DLT/NG] 37 8 0 2 0 0 0
Ray Hoerner [DRE] (R) 35 14 0 6 0 0 0
Boris Irvine [RILB] 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stan Livingstone [Nickel] 11 0 0 0 1 0 0
Frederick Freeman [LB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Stefan Jones 20 18 90.0 49 25 25 100.0 79

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Mark Koonce 65 2834 43.6 59 0 33 8

CAPE CITY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Timmy James 13 418 32.2 41 0
Jeramy Reis 8 179 22.4 28 0

CAPE CITY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Jae Hennessey 14 83 5.9 16 0 19
Tyree Caro 6 17 2.8 7 0 6

Season Stats for CRESTFIELD (6-6-1)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
CRESTFIELD 58 95 83 91 3 330
Opponents 46 94 28 91 6 265

Game Stats CRESTFIELD Opponents
Scoring 330 265
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 219 (74/122/23) 225 (75/133/17)
Rushes - Yards 327 - 1536 332 - 1546
Passing Yards 3075 2926
Sacked - Yards Lost 20 - 90 25 - 129
Total Offense 4521 4343
Comp-Att-Int 236-364-4 (64.8%) 240-389-7 (61.7%)
Fumbles / Lost 12-8 16-8
Turnovers 12 15
Penalties-Yards 48-445 45-459
Punts / Average 59-44.1 61-42.1
Field Goals Made / Att 20-20 21-29
Third Downs Converted 57-147 (38.8%) 67-161 (41.6%)
Fourth Downs Converted 2-5 (40.0%) 1-1 (100.0%)
Time of Possession 272:15 276:06

CRESTFIELD Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Mike Fedora [QB] 235 363 64.7 3074 8.5 122 28 4 53 20 90 112.4
Don Harlan [QB] 1 1 100.0 1 1.0 0 0 0 1 0 0 79.2

CRESTFIELD Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Martin Hirsch [HB] 160 806 5.0 39 4 68T 5 3
Brett Young [HB] 74 312 4.2 13 1 42 1 0
Zack Lemay [FB] 49 167 3.4 8 1 11T 1 1
Mike Fedora [QB] 29 226 7.8 12 1 31 1 1
Mathew Ashmore [FB] 15 25 1.7 2 1 8 0 0

CRESTFIELD Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Logan Tirado [WR] 63 673 10.7 28 6 45
Stefan Doss [WR] 59 948 16.1 31 9 51T
Martin Hirsch [HB] 42 440 10.5 21 4 53
Reid Elkins [TE] 39 507 13.0 22 5 45
Johnny Symank [WR] 12 247 20.6 10 2 49
Brett Young [HB] 10 174 17.4 7 2 53
Zack Lemay [FB] 7 63 9.0 2 0 24
Mathew Ashmore [FB] 4 23 5.8 1 0 12
Lee Marchetti [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Kelley Ridley [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Bill Bailey [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Jerrod Ware [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

CRESTFIELD Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Martin Hirsch [HB] 806 440 1246 0 39 21 8
Stefan Doss [WR] 0 948 948 0 0 31 9
Logan Tirado [WR] 0 673 673 0 0 28 6
Reid Elkins [TE] 0 507 507 0 0 22 5
Brett Young [HB] 312 174 486 0 13 7 3
Johnny Symank [WR] 0 247 247 0 0 10 2
Zack Lemay [FB] 167 63 230 0 8 2 1
Mike Fedora [QB] 226 0 226 122 12 0 1
Mathew Ashmore [FB] 25 23 48 0 2 1 1

CRESTFIELD Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Billy Harrington [LILB/MLB] (R) 87 10 1 6 0 1 0
Eddie Hayhurst [LOLB] 68 5 0 0 0 0 0
Horace Schmidt [SS] 67 2 0 0 1 1 1
Mason Alcala [RCB] 66 3 0 1 1 0 0
Terrance Neumann [LCB] 50 1 0 0 4 1 0
Andres Smithson [FS] 46 3 0 0 0 0 0
Jason Adley [ROLB] 45 2 0 0 0 2 0
Sam Young [DRE] 36 14 0 10 0 1 0
Darrell Hall [DLT/NG] 36 8 1 2 0 1 0
Brain Reeves [DRT] 27 10 1 4 0 0 0
Richard Atherton [DLE] (R) 27 3 0 2 0 0 0
Phillip Myerscough [Nickel] 15 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ric Knutson [RILB] 13 0 0 0 1 0 0
Leon Fuchs [LB] 12 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Billy Wells 20 20 100.0 49 37 34 91.9 94

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Harold Barnes 59 2600 44.1 59 0 29 4

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Cordell Paterson 21 490 23.3 31 0
Marcos Sherrill 4 85 21.3 28 0

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Raymond Franke 20 115 5.8 21 0 11
Marcos Sherrill 3 20 6.7 10 0 5

Season Stats for DUNBERRY (5-7-1)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
DUNBERRY 33 71 39 90 3 236
Opponents 72 70 44 75 0 261

Game Stats DUNBERRY Opponents
Scoring 236 261
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 205 (73/111/21) 215 (67/126/22)
Rushes - Yards 325 - 1284 307 - 1186
Passing Yards 2402 2799
Sacked - Yards Lost 27 - 140 21 - 91
Total Offense 3546 3894
Comp-Att-Int 229-358-5 (64.0%) 234-375-8 (62.4%)
Fumbles / Lost 11-7 10-3
Turnovers 12 11
Penalties-Yards 33-291 38-388
Punts / Average 65-43.1 55-43.8
Field Goals Made / Att 11-11 16-19
Third Downs Converted 65-156 (41.7%) 61-147 (41.5%)
Fourth Downs Converted 2-6 (33.3%) 5-8 (62.5%)
Time of Possession 272:32 260:13

DUNBERRY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Phillip Borden [QB] 228 357 63.9 2363 6.6 110 19 5 77T 27 140 94.8
Carl Houston [QB] (R) 1 1 100.0 39 39.0 1 0 0 39 0 0 118.8

DUNBERRY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Roosevelt Franklin [HB] 162 635 3.9 36 6 39 1 1
Mark Tickle [HB] (R) 59 196 3.3 8 1 16 0 0
Phillip Borden [QB] 45 286 6.4 19 2 22 2 1
Jeff O'Callaghan [FB] 41 111 2.7 5 0 14 1 0
Jaime Day [FB] 16 47 2.9 4 1 11 1 1
Carl Houston [QB] (R) 1 6 6.0 0 0 6 0 0
Brock Elam [WR] 1 3 3.0 1 0 3 1 1

DUNBERRY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Brock Elam [WR] 66 767 11.6 35 6 65T
Gene Carter [WR] (R) 41 521 12.7 25 4 77T
Vincent Francis [TE] 31 295 9.5 14 4 31
Roosevelt Franklin [HB] 31 218 7.0 10 3 28T
Trey Shumate [WR] 24 291 12.1 14 1 50
Mark Tickle [HB] (R) 19 147 7.7 7 0 17
Jeff O'Callaghan [FB] 8 67 8.4 2 0 26
Deandre Wade [WR] 6 84 14.0 3 0 32
Jaime Day [FB] 2 4 2.0 0 0 3
Glen Heinrich [TE] (R) 1 8 8.0 1 1 8T
Garret Clegg [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Harley Ulinski [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

DUNBERRY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Roosevelt Franklin [HB] 635 218 853 0 36 10 9
Brock Elam [WR] 3 767 770 0 1 35 6
Gene Carter [WR] (R) 0 521 521 0 0 25 4
Mark Tickle [HB] (R) 196 147 343 0 8 7 1
Vincent Francis [TE] 0 295 295 0 0 14 4
Trey Shumate [WR] 0 291 291 0 0 14 1
Phillip Borden [QB] 286 0 286 110 19 0 2
Jeff O'Callaghan [FB] 111 67 178 0 5 2 0
Deandre Wade [WR] 0 84 84 0 0 3 0
Jaime Day [FB] 47 4 51 0 4 0 1
Glen Heinrich [TE] (R) 0 8 8 0 0 1 1
Carl Houston [QB] (R) 6 0 6 1 0 0 0

DUNBERRY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Charles Hutcheson [LOLB] 81 9 0 2 0 0 0
Stan Nutter [LILB/MLB] 71 10 0 4 0 0 0
Bernie Carbo [LCB] 55 0 0 0 2 0 0
Keith Harlow [SS] 51 4 0 0 1 0 0
Terrence Burch [RCB] 48 3 0 0 4 0 0
Neville Baumann [ROLB] 42 1 0 0 0 0 0
Rick Stafford [DLE] (R) 41 12 0 6 0 0 0
Vic Kensley [DRT] 37 8 0 2 0 2 0
Kevin Cunningham [DLT/NG] 36 15 0 4 0 0 0
Erich Redd [FS] 35 1 0 0 0 0 0
Martin Brackett [DRE] 30 6 0 2 0 0 0
Cruz Dobbs [Nickel] 22 2 0 1 1 0 0
Doak Shinnick [RILB] 11 0 0 0 0 1 0
Antony Beattie [Dime] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mickey Presley [DL] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Paul Duggan 11 11 100.0 50 28 23 82.1 56

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Volney Elton 65 2799 43.1 55 0 35 5

DUNBERRY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Herbert Nye 10 264 26.4 35 0
Donte Witt 12 305 25.4 31 0

DUNBERRY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Brice Elam 17 62 3.6 11 0 7
Deandre Wood 6 107 17.8 82 1 1

Season Stats for EASTON (6-6-1)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
EASTON 54 96 52 115 0 317
Opponents 70 79 46 97 0 292

Game Stats EASTON Opponents
Scoring 317 292
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 240 (76/140/24) 205 (74/116/15)
Rushes - Yards 324 - 1571 325 - 1547
Passing Yards 2831 2771
Sacked - Yards Lost 16 - 75 38 - 218
Total Offense 4327 4100
Comp-Att-Int 237-380-8 (62.4%) 230-355-3 (64.8%)
Fumbles / Lost 10-5 8-5
Turnovers 13 8
Penalties-Yards 44-407 45-462
Punts / Average 47-42.7 58-44.3
Field Goals Made / Att 16-20 23-24
Third Downs Converted 73-150 (48.7%) 68-168 (40.5%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-5 (60.0%) 4-8 (50.0%)
Time of Possession 263:35 266:25

EASTON Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
John Codey [QB] 231 373 61.9 2776 7.4 136 28 8 53T 16 75 100.8
Jerome Lankford [HB] 3 3 100.0 29 9.7 2 0 0 10 0 0 106.9
Nick Denver [QB] 2 3 66.7 16 5.3 1 0 0 10 0 0 79.9
Flash Thomas [HB] 1 1 100.0 10 10.0 1 0 0 10 0 0 108.3

EASTON Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Flash Thomas [HB] 184 848 4.6 40 5 49 2 1
Jerome Lankford [HB] 64 285 4.5 11 2 38 2 0
John Codey [QB] 42 312 7.4 16 2 45 1 1
Jimmy Blackwood [FB] 34 126 3.7 9 1 14 0 0

EASTON Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Larry Carter [WR] 64 873 13.6 40 7 50
Gern Brennan [WR] 50 703 14.1 32 2 53T
Flash Thomas [HB] 42 372 8.9 27 8 23T
Zack Mueller [TE] 36 368 10.2 18 6 31
Lawrence Olszewiski [WR] 22 272 12.4 11 2 34
TE3 Weld [WR] 8 74 9.3 5 2 15
Jimmy Blackwood [FB] 6 38 6.3 2 1 23
Jerome Lankford [HB] 4 14 3.5 0 0 7
Kerry Lai [TE] 2 58 29.0 2 0 36
Ted Christy [TE] 2 57 28.5 2 0 41
Keith Currie [FB] 1 2 2.0 1 0 2
Wayne Norman [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

EASTON Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Flash Thomas [HB] 848 372 1220 1 40 27 13
Larry Carter [WR] 0 873 873 0 0 40 7
Gern Brennan [WR] 0 703 703 0 0 32 2
Zack Mueller [TE] 0 368 368 0 0 18 6
John Codey [QB] 312 0 312 136 16 0 2
Jerome Lankford [HB] 285 14 299 2 11 0 2
Lawrence Olszewiski [WR] 0 272 272 0 0 11 2
Jimmy Blackwood [FB] 126 38 164 0 9 2 2
TE3 Weld [WR] 0 74 74 0 0 5 2
Kerry Lai [TE] 0 58 58 0 0 2 0
Ted Christy [TE] 0 57 57 0 0 2 0
Keith Currie [FB] 0 2 2 0 0 1 0

EASTON Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Tommy Earnshaw [LILB/MLB] 82 7 0 3 0 1 0
August House [DLT/NG] 67 22 0 10 0 1 0
Adalberto Ames [SS] 62 3 0 0 1 0 0
Kelley Flaherty [LCB] 60 0 0 0 1 0 0
Abe Smith [ROLB] 57 6 0 1 0 1 0
Cloyce Norris [LOLB] 54 6 0 0 0 0 0
Tracey Partridge [FS] 48 2 0 0 0 0 0
Cruz Person [RCB] 38 1 0 0 1 1 0
Modesto Underhill [DRT] 37 14 0 3 0 1 0
Rickey Stroud [DRE] (R) 31 14 0 9 0 0 0
Henry Spencer [DLE] (R) 26 17 0 10 0 0 0
Clay Fulton [Nickel] 16 1 0 1 0 0 0
Jerald Forman [RILB] 12 2 0 1 0 0 0
Paris Bryan [LB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

EASTON Kicking
Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Franklin Davis 20 16 80.0 58 35 35 100.0 83

EASTON Punting
Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Pete Odom 47 2007 42.7 52 0 23 2

EASTON Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Donte Tompkins 17 516 30.4 37 0
Mark Marin 8 134 16.8 22 0

EASTON Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Elroy Crazy Legs Zagers 17 102 6.0 13 0 10
Brady Gladney 3 18 6.0 8 0 1

Season Stats for GATEWAY (8-5-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
GATEWAY 40 77 26 83 3 229
Opponents 46 84 34 68 6 238

Game Stats GATEWAY Opponents
Scoring 229 238
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 222 (65/137/20) 201 (64/121/16)
Rushes - Yards 317 - 1211 301 - 1121
Passing Yards 3066 2755
Sacked - Yards Lost 25 - 112 28 - 184
Total Offense 4165 3692
Comp-Att-Int 253-388-6 (65.2%) 226-355-4 (63.7%)
Fumbles / Lost 10-4 7-2
Turnovers 10 6
Penalties-Yards 43-398 29-262
Punts / Average 53-42.7 61-43.1
Field Goals Made / Att 13-24 11-16
Third Downs Converted 76-162 (46.9%) 55-145 (37.9%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-5 (60.0%) 2-9 (22.2%)
Time of Possession 276:32 257:32

GATEWAY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Keith Van Brocklin [QB] 243 371 65.5 2979 8.0 132 19 6 65T 24 110 100.5
John Duckworth [QB] 8 15 53.3 63 4.2 3 0 0 22 1 2 64.0
Lenard Mallory [HB] 2 2 100.0 24 12.0 2 0 0 12 0 0 116.7

GATEWAY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Lenard Mallory [HB] 181 705 3.9 40 4 28 2 0
DB6 Marleigh [HB] 49 186 3.8 6 0 29 5 3
Duane Paxton [FB] 42 120 2.9 7 1 14 0 0
Keith Van Brocklin [QB] 40 184 4.6 10 2 21 0 0
Brock Moeller [FB] 3 5 1.7 1 1 3T 0 0
John Duckworth [QB] 1 6 6.0 0 0 6 0 0
Sean Whitcomb [WR] 1 5 5.0 1 0 5 1 1

GATEWAY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Sean Whitcomb [WR] 59 793 13.4 32 5 65T
Golden Denbow [WR] (R) 51 714 14.0 33 7 55
Chuck Fite [TE] 48 528 11.0 24 1 35
Lenard Mallory [HB] 41 431 10.5 20 2 52
Jewel Stearns [WR] 31 416 13.4 20 2 43
Duane Paxton [FB] 11 52 4.7 1 0 16
DB6 Marleigh [HB] 7 51 7.3 4 2 15T
Ronny Garvin [TE] 5 81 16.2 3 0 35
Harlon Wright [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
A.D. Yardley [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Taylor Hacker [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

GATEWAY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Lenard Mallory [HB] 705 431 1136 2 40 20 6
Sean Whitcomb [WR] 5 793 798 0 1 32 5
Golden Denbow [WR] (R) 0 714 714 0 0 33 7
Chuck Fite [TE] 0 528 528 0 0 24 1
Jewel Stearns [WR] 0 416 416 0 0 20 2
DB6 Marleigh [HB] 186 51 237 0 6 4 2
Keith Van Brocklin [QB] 184 0 184 132 10 0 2
Duane Paxton [FB] 120 52 172 0 7 1 1
Ronny Garvin [TE] 0 81 81 0 0 3 0
John Duckworth [QB] 6 0 6 3 0 0 0
Brock Moeller [FB] 5 0 5 0 1 0 1

GATEWAY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Marcus Appleton [LILB/MLB] 65 10 0 5 0 1 0
Ernest Stapleton [RCB] 62 3 0 0 1 0 0
Elroy Crazy Legs Robustelli [FS] 60 1 0 0 0 0 0
Jae Wade [DLT/NG] 59 19 1 11 0 0 0
Kurt Justus [SS] 54 2 0 0 0 0 0
Ian Jessup [LCB] 51 0 0 0 2 1 0
Luis Duffy [LOLB] (R) 40 2 0 0 1 0 0
Lenny Voigt [ROLB] 38 1 0 0 0 0 0
Christoper Cavanaugh [DRE] 38 13 0 2 0 0 0
Brendan Doan [DRT] 28 6 0 2 0 0 0
Woodley Green [DLE] 27 12 0 7 0 0 0
Wayne Alban [LB] (R) 14 0 0 0 0 0 0
Brain Cason [RILB] 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
Don Brenton [Nickel] 7 1 0 1 0 0 0
Cary Lockwood [DL] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Jesse Bourne 24 13 54.2 58 26 26 100.0 65

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Terry Parker 52 2264 43.5 58 1 18 4

GATEWAY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Tank Higgins 15 400 26.7 53 0
Quentin Dempsey 9 204 22.7 31 0

GATEWAY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Paul Teeuws 13 70 5.4 11 0 11
Ken Manzo 3 28 9.3 18 0 7

Season Stats for GOTHAM (6-7-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
GOTHAM 38 69 53 74 6 240
Opponents 78 79 20 95 6 278

Game Stats GOTHAM Opponents
Scoring 240 278
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 198 (57/129/12) 222 (77/132/13)
Rushes - Yards 308 - 1075 316 - 1457
Passing Yards 2929 2837
Sacked - Yards Lost 27 - 149 22 - 97
Total Offense 3855 4197
Comp-Att-Int 243-365-6 (66.6%) 242-373-10 (64.9%)
Fumbles / Lost 10-6 8-4
Turnovers 12 14
Penalties-Yards 35-362 38-285
Punts / Average 52-42.7 55-44.1
Field Goals Made / Att 20-27 23-24
Third Downs Converted 69-158 (43.7%) 63-147 (42.9%)
Fourth Downs Converted 1-4 (25.0%) 1-3 (33.3%)
Time of Possession 268:46 264:04

GOTHAM Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Tony Scott [QB] 190 273 69.6 2389 8.8 100 17 5 52 18 99 109.7
Ronny Nicholas [QB] 52 89 58.4 512 5.8 28 1 1 29 9 50 73.8
Calvin Bryant [HB] 1 1 100.0 28 28.0 1 0 0 28 0 0 118.8
Doak Peters [HB] 0 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39.6

GOTHAM Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Calvin Bryant [HB] 194 640 3.3 32 4 47 4 1
Nick Woodley [FB] 47 157 3.3 10 1 13 0 0
Doak Peters [HB] 41 116 2.8 5 1 34 1 1
Tony Scott [QB] 23 145 6.3 9 0 28 2 1
Wally Jenson [FB] 2 13 6.5 1 0 10 0 0
Leonard Morton [WR] (R) 1 4 4.0 0 0 4 1 1

GOTHAM Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Leonard Morton [WR] (R) 53 711 13.4 33 8 51
Mathew Leak [TE] 53 660 12.5 29 6 49
Buzz Dayton [WR] 41 541 13.2 22 1 49
Calvin Bryant [HB] 32 295 9.2 13 0 34
TE3 Rodriguez [WR] 21 278 13.2 14 2 40
George Patton [WR] (R) 17 152 8.9 7 0 21
Laurence Daniel [TE] 10 146 14.6 6 1 52
Nick Woodley [FB] 8 104 13.0 5 0 38
Doak Peters [HB] 8 42 5.3 0 0 13
Mike Sharrod [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Joe Alby [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

GOTHAM Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Calvin Bryant [HB] 640 295 935 1 32 13 4
Leonard Morton [WR] (R) 4 711 715 0 0 33 8
Mathew Leak [TE] 0 660 660 0 0 29 6
Buzz Dayton [WR] 0 541 541 0 0 22 1
TE3 Rodriguez [WR] 0 278 278 0 0 14 2
Nick Woodley [FB] 157 104 261 0 10 5 1
Doak Peters [HB] 116 42 158 0 5 0 1
George Patton [WR] (R) 0 152 152 0 0 7 0
Laurence Daniel [TE] 0 146 146 0 0 6 1
Tony Scott [QB] 145 0 145 100 9 0 0
Wally Jenson [FB] 13 0 13 0 1 0 0

GOTHAM Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Dominic Rhoads [FS] 66 4 0 0 1 0 0
Johnson Jensen [LCB] 62 1 0 0 4 0 0
Clifford Wheatley [ROLB] 60 6 0 0 1 0 0
Kenneth Holton [LILB/MLB] 59 3 0 0 1 0 0
Dwayne Clayton [SS] (R) 57 3 0 1 1 0 0
Corey DeBose [LOLB] 53 8 0 2 0 0 0
Johnathan Henson [DLT/NG] 48 12 0 3 0 0 0
Lindsay Callahan [RCB] 44 0 0 0 1 1 0
Damian Herrick [DRE] 36 11 0 4 0 0 0
Rodney Nomellini [DRT] (R) 33 11 0 4 0 0 0
A.D. Bettis [DLE] (R) 28 10 0 4 0 0 0
Michel Tompkins [Nickel] 19 1 0 1 1 0 0
Dave Kent [RILB] 13 2 0 2 0 1 0
Aaron Ludwig [Dime] 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

GOTHAM Kicking
Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Roy LeBaron 27 20 74.1 57 24 24 100.0 84

GOTHAM Punting
Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Britt Wang 51 2220 43.5 59 1 27 2

GOTHAM Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Bradley Presley 20 674 33.7 103 2
Benjamin Elton 8 173 21.6 33 0

GOTHAM Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Derek Ansley 21 138 6.6 13 0 8
Charley Orrick 4 19 4.8 12 0 1

Season Stats for JAXTON (11-2-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
JAXTON 25 94 93 102 0 314
Opponents 32 47 16 77 0 172

Game Stats JAXTON Opponents
Scoring 314 172
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 218 (69/129/20) 217 (57/140/20)
Rushes - Yards 303 - 1288 288 - 1048
Passing Yards 2752 2846
Sacked - Yards Lost 13 - 70 29 - 167
Total Offense 3970 3727
Comp-Att-Int 247-347-7 (71.2%) 267-419-6 (63.7%)
Fumbles / Lost 9-2 16-9
Turnovers 9 15
Penalties-Yards 34-298 42-369
Punts / Average 47-44.7 54-42.3
Field Goals Made / Att 17-18 16-20
Third Downs Converted 54-131 (41.2%) 65-155 (41.9%)
Fourth Downs Converted 2-3 (66.7%) 3-11 (27.3%)
Time of Possession 257:11 262:49

JAXTON Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Dave O-Carroll [QB] (R) 240 337 71.2 2706 8.0 128 22 7 52T 13 70 108.0
Nick Napolion [QB] 6 9 66.7 36 4.0 0 0 0 11 0 0 74.3
Dane Whatley [HB] 1 1 100.0 10 10.0 1 0 0 10 0 0 108.3

JAXTON Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Dane Whatley [HB] 172 764 4.4 43 9 31 4 1
Darrick Wheat [FB] 50 122 2.4 10 4 23T 0 0
Malcom Gardiner [HB] 48 239 5.0 9 1 74T 0 0
Dave O-Carroll [QB] (R) 28 123 4.4 6 0 39 1 0
Cruz Shinn [FB] 4 35 8.8 1 0 27 0 0
Nick Napolion [QB] 1 5 5.0 0 0 5 0 0

JAXTON Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Jeffry Hornsby [WR] 67 785 11.7 34 6 34
Tyree Benson [WR] 44 553 12.6 24 4 46
Randall Carpenter [TE] (R) 43 592 13.8 24 7 52T
Dane Whatley [HB] 38 339 8.9 20 2 43
Harlon Hughes [WR] 24 262 10.9 17 2 46T
Malcom Gardiner [HB] 11 42 3.8 2 0 14
Darrick Wheat [FB] 9 81 9.0 5 1 30T
Stefan Johansen [WR] 7 51 7.3 1 0 15
Curtis Denholm [TE] 3 33 11.0 1 0 30
Wally Tyrone [TE] 1 14 14.0 1 0 14
Chris Pfeiffer [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

JAXTON Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Dane Whatley [HB] 764 339 1103 1 43 20 11
Jeffry Hornsby [WR] 0 785 785 0 0 34 6
Randall Carpenter [TE] (R) 0 592 592 0 0 24 7
Tyree Benson [WR] 0 553 553 0 0 24 4
Malcom Gardiner [HB] 239 42 281 0 9 2 1
Harlon Hughes [WR] 0 262 262 0 0 17 2
Darrick Wheat [FB] 122 81 203 0 10 5 5
Dave O-Carroll [QB] (R) 123 0 123 128 6 0 0
Stefan Johansen [WR] 0 51 51 0 0 1 0
Cruz Shinn [FB] 35 0 35 0 1 0 0
Curtis Denholm [TE] 0 33 33 0 0 1 0
Wally Tyrone [TE] 0 14 14 0 0 1 0
Nick Napolion [QB] 5 0 5 0 0 0 0

JAXTON Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Ray Ainsworth [LOLB] 63 14 0 6 1 0 0
Jackson Varney [RCB] 61 1 0 1 0 0 0
Tony Cornish [DLT/NG] (R) 57 14 0 3 0 0 0
Brendan Florez [SS] 57 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dusty Lear [LCB] 54 3 0 2 1 1 0
Brendon Mayfield [DRE] 49 17 0 9 0 0 0
Brad Baker [LILB/MLB] 48 3 0 2 2 3 0
Joel Adam [FS] 45 1 0 1 1 1 0
Mohammad Tay [ROLB] 45 6 0 1 0 2 0
Shon Logan [DLE] 41 12 0 4 0 1 0
Myles Ingle [RILB] 36 2 0 0 1 0 0
Gene Lebaron [LB] (R) 12 1 0 0 0 0 0
Les Braase [Nickel] 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dirk Palma [DRT] 4 3 0 0 0 0 0
Walter Kensley [Dime] 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

JAXTON Kicking
Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Jake Linville 18 17 94.4 45 37 35 94.6 86

JAXTON Punting
Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Micheal Hartmann 47 2103 44.7 58 0 22 3

JAXTON Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Hugh Nibley 6 236 39.3 97 1
Brandon Olivares 4 46 11.5 16 0

JAXTON Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Dom Darlington 15 95 6.3 26 0 13
Jeff Harms 2 11 5.5 7 0 3

Season Stats for MARBRO (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
MARBRO 34 45 45 86 3 213
Opponents 40 103 24 68 3 238

Game Stats MARBRO Opponents
Scoring 213 238
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 217 (57/140/20) 208 (80/115/13)
Rushes - Yards 331 - 1245 334 - 1378
Passing Yards 2790 2552
Sacked - Yards Lost 25 - 115 19 - 103
Total Offense 3920 3827
Comp-Att-Int 250-379-6 (66.0%) 212-342-5 (62.0%)
Fumbles / Lost 10-7 8-3
Turnovers 13 8
Penalties-Yards 39-309 37-271
Punts / Average 54-43.6 61-44.9
Field Goals Made / Att 11-19 18-19
Third Downs Converted 78-163 (47.9%) 69-158 (43.7%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-6 (50.0%) 1-3 (33.3%)
Time of Possession 268:37 264:27

MARBRO Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Shane McQween [QB] 244 370 65.9 2685 7.3 136 20 5 72T 24 106 99.7
Harley Snape [QB] 5 8 62.5 79 9.9 3 0 1 34 1 9 55.7
Rick Churchill [HB] 1 1 100.0 26 26.0 1 0 0 26 0 0 118.8

MARBRO Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Rick Churchill [HB] 151 619 4.1 26 2 50 1 0
Jon Coletrain [FB] 74 206 2.8 11 1 47 1 1
Adam Denbow [HB] 54 237 4.4 10 1 37 0 0
Shane McQween [QB] 28 134 4.8 8 0 17 2 2
Reyes Braswell [FB] 21 37 1.8 2 1 5 0 0
Dave Fink [WR] 2 9 4.5 0 0 6 3 3
Harley Snape [QB] 1 3 3.0 0 0 3 1 1

MARBRO Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Dave Fink [WR] 56 692 12.4 30 7 40
Kelley Benson [WR] 52 660 12.7 31 6 72T
Corey Herrick [TE] 45 432 9.6 25 2 25
Rick Churchill [HB] 38 339 8.9 19 0 28
L.G. Clive [WR] 28 352 12.6 19 3 34
Jon Coletrain [FB] 10 103 10.3 4 1 47
Adam Denbow [HB] 9 88 9.8 6 1 22
George Olson [TE] 6 70 11.7 3 0 22
Reyes Braswell [FB] 3 17 5.7 1 0 12
Scot Simons [TE] 2 17 8.5 1 0 14
Carey Bryan [WR] 1 20 20.0 1 0 20
Bob Bohemia [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

MARBRO Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Rick Churchill [HB] 619 339 958 1 26 19 2
Dave Fink [WR] 9 692 701 0 0 30 7
Kelley Benson [WR] 0 660 660 0 0 31 6
Corey Herrick [TE] 0 432 432 0 0 25 2
L.G. Clive [WR] 0 352 352 0 0 19 3
Adam Denbow [HB] 237 88 325 0 10 6 2
Jon Coletrain [FB] 206 103 309 0 11 4 2
Shane McQween [QB] 134 0 134 136 8 0 0
George Olson [TE] 0 70 70 0 0 3 0
Reyes Braswell [FB] 37 17 54 0 2 1 1
Carey Bryan [WR] 0 20 20 0 0 1 0
Scot Simons [TE] 0 17 17 0 0 1 0
Harley Snape [QB] 3 0 3 3 0 0 0

MARBRO Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Dave Moe [LILB/MLB] 76 7 0 2 0 0 0
Dwayne Cullen [RCB] (R) 65 0 0 0 1 1 0
Lewis Kuykendall [LOLB] 65 9 0 4 0 1 0
Kenny Seward [DLT/NG] 52 14 0 0 0 0 0
Ben Baumgartner [SS] 49 0 0 0 0 0 0
Thomas Heinrich [ROLB] (R) 47 4 0 1 1 1 0
Tory Beckwith [LCB] 43 3 0 0 1 0 0
Otto Farmer [DLE] 42 15 0 7 0 0 0
Korey Clemons [FS] 42 1 0 1 1 0 0
Dan Kaiser [DRT] 35 9 0 2 0 0 0
Nicholas Rooster [DRE] 22 6 0 1 0 0 0
Rayford McLain [Nickel] 15 1 0 0 0 0 0
Micheal Clarke [RILB] 11 1 0 1 1 0 0
Carl Alby [Dime] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

MARBRO Kicking
Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Rene Shockley 19 11 57.9 48 22 22 100.0 55

MARBRO Punting
Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Charile Trollope 54 2356 43.6 53 0 19 9

MARBRO Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Ernest Standen 16 483 30.2 96 1
Fausto Wadsworth 2 44 22.0 28 0

MARBRO Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Rosey Flynn 18 99 5.5 11 0 11
Lew Hoernschemeyer 4 10 2.5 4 0 6

Season Stats for MARKET CITY (4-9-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
MARKET CITY 24 49 41 97 6 217
Opponents 55 75 42 81 6 259

Game Stats MARKET CITY Opponents
Scoring 217 259
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 210 (60/134/16) 205 (78/109/18)
Rushes - Yards 300 - 1294 329 - 1485
Passing Yards 2777 2636
Sacked - Yards Lost 28 - 146 22 - 116
Total Offense 3925 4005
Comp-Att-Int 240-374-3 (64.2%) 231-351-3 (65.8%)
Fumbles / Lost 11-7 9-4
Turnovers 10 7
Penalties-Yards 32-281 38-389
Punts / Average 57-41.1 52-42.8
Field Goals Made / Att 8-17 27-30
Third Downs Converted 67-153 (43.8%) 68-157 (43.3%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-9 (33.3%) 0-4 (0.0%)
Time of Possession 260:32 279:57

MARKET CITY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Kim Fields [QB] 237 370 64.1 2757 7.5 131 17 3 74T 27 142 98.4
Charles Conerly [HB] (R) 1 1 100.0 3 3.0 1 1 0 3T 0 0 118.8
Donte Meier [HB] 1 1 100.0 2 2.0 1 1 0 2T 0 0 118.8
Kyle Clement [QB] 1 2 50.0 15 7.5 1 0 0 15 1 4 75.0

MARKET CITY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Donte Meier [HB] 163 761 4.7 36 6 63T 4 2
Wayne Lester [FB] 66 232 3.5 11 0 28 3 2
Charles Conerly [HB] (R) 56 215 3.8 10 2 41T 2 2
Kim Fields [QB] 14 84 6.0 3 0 12 1 1
Julio Florez [FB] 1 2 2.0 0 0 2 0 0

MARKET CITY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Harris Dasilva [WR] 58 700 12.1 32 3 35
Norman Butler [WR] 45 581 12.9 24 0 53
Anton Fagan [TE] 44 611 13.9 31 4 46
Donte Meier [HB] 36 348 9.7 13 3 74T
Ted Scarborough [WR] 23 259 11.3 16 3 22
Charles Conerly [HB] (R) 15 108 7.2 6 2 30
Chris Steffen [TE] 10 96 9.6 8 3 31
Wayne Lester [FB] 7 50 7.1 2 1 19T
Kennith Word [WR] 1 21 21.0 1 0 21
Julio Florez [FB] 1 3 3.0 1 0 3
Dillon Welker [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Lee Babcock [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

MARKET CITY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Donte Meier [HB] 761 348 1109 1 36 13 9
Harris Dasilva [WR] 0 700 700 0 0 32 3
Anton Fagan [TE] 0 611 611 0 0 31 4
Norman Butler [WR] 0 581 581 0 0 24 0
Charles Conerly [HB] (R) 215 108 323 1 10 6 4
Wayne Lester [FB] 232 50 282 0 11 2 1
Ted Scarborough [WR] 0 259 259 0 0 16 3
Chris Steffen [TE] 0 96 96 0 0 8 3
Kim Fields [QB] 84 0 84 131 3 0 0
Kennith Word [WR] 0 21 21 0 0 1 0
Julio Florez [FB] 2 3 5 0 0 1 0

MARKET CITY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Abraham Walling [ROLB] 81 5 0 2 0 1 0
Darrick Marchand [LOLB] 70 7 0 1 0 0 0
Paul TE3 [LCB] 56 1 0 1 2 0 0
Jeffrey Cotton [RCB] 53 2 0 0 0 0 0
Harold O-Neill [RILB] (R) 49 3 0 0 0 1 0
Jayson McCartney [FS] 49 5 0 2 0 1 0
Ted Hayes [DLT/NG] (R) 44 12 0 3 0 0 0
Clay Taylor [LILB/MLB] 43 6 0 1 0 0 0
Percy Case [SS] 43 0 0 0 1 0 0
Rodney Harpham [DRE] 29 10 0 1 0 0 0
Vince Tittle [DLE] (R) 23 13 0 10 0 1 0
Marcus Hoffman [LB] 22 1 0 1 0 0 0
Jerald Cooke [DL] 9 1 0 0 0 0 0
Johnathan Beeler [DRT] 6 1 0 0 0 0 0
Dana Sharkey [Nickel] 4 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Nestor Nabors 17 8 47.1 46 25 25 100.0 49

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Francis Black 57 2345 41.1 60 0 27 2

MARKET CITY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Antione Anderson 15 442 29.5 101 1
Harlan Daigle 11 207 18.8 28 0

MARKET CITY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Ronald Taylor 14 82 5.9 33 0 8
Clifford Crow 5 22 4.4 6 0 1

Season Stats for METROPOLIS (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
METROPOLIS 50 90 16 70 9 235
Opponents 38 78 43 89 3 251

Game Stats METROPOLIS Opponents
Scoring 235 251
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 211 (75/118/18) 216 (76/116/24)
Rushes - Yards 336 - 1443 322 - 1391
Passing Yards 2518 2722
Sacked - Yards Lost 23 - 129 37 - 185
Total Offense 3832 3928
Comp-Att-Int 227-368-9 (61.7%) 213-343-4 (62.1%)
Fumbles / Lost 7-4 11-3
Turnovers 13 7
Penalties-Yards 31-306 45-412
Punts / Average 60-42.5 58-42.7
Field Goals Made / Att 22-25 16-22
Third Downs Converted 66-159 (41.5%) 50-144 (34.7%)
Fourth Downs Converted 1-2 (50.0%) 4-8 (50.0%)
Time of Possession 277:22 262:08

METROPOLIS Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Al North [QB] 162 266 60.9 1779 6.7 84 14 5 69T 18 107 90.4
Tom McDoogle [QB] 65 102 63.7 739 7.2 34 2 4 55 5 22 75.6

METROPOLIS Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
James Sears [HB] 188 896 4.8 42 2 39 2 1
Roy Tharp [HB] 50 158 3.2 7 0 18 1 1
Al North [QB] 42 248 5.9 17 4 34T 0 0
Jeramy Feldman [FB] 39 68 1.7 5 1 11 1 1
Tom McDoogle [QB] 14 68 4.9 4 1 19 0 0
Jonas Duval [FB] 3 5 1.7 0 0 2 0 0

METROPOLIS Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Chris Stone [WR] 72 959 13.3 44 8 55
James Sears [HB] 36 332 9.2 14 1 40
Lloyd Graham [TE] 28 318 11.4 12 1 69T
Carl Royce [WR] 21 250 11.9 15 3 44T
Quinn Burr [WR] 17 263 15.5 13 1 47
Dwain Alaniz [TE] 17 106 6.2 5 0 23
Jeramy Feldman [FB] 17 74 4.4 3 0 21
Roy Tharp [HB] 10 101 10.1 5 0 41
Bryan Dodrill [WR] 9 115 12.8 7 2 25
Dick Skelton [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Eric Savoy [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

METROPOLIS Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
James Sears [HB] 896 332 1228 0 42 14 3
Chris Stone [WR] 0 959 959 0 0 44 8
Lloyd Graham [TE] 0 318 318 0 0 12 1
Quinn Burr [WR] 0 263 263 0 0 13 1
Roy Tharp [HB] 158 101 259 0 7 5 0
Carl Royce [WR] 0 250 250 0 0 15 3
Al North [QB] 248 0 248 84 17 0 4
Jeramy Feldman [FB] 68 74 142 0 5 3 1
Bryan Dodrill [WR] 0 115 115 0 0 7 2
Dwain Alaniz [TE] 0 106 106 0 0 5 0
Tom McDoogle [QB] 68 0 68 34 4 0 1
Jonas Duval [FB] 5 0 5 0 0 0 0

METROPOLIS Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Johnny Wedgwood [SS] 72 3 0 1 1 1 0
Mac Adame [RCB] 62 3 0 1 1 0 0
Bucko Sanford [LCB] 58 0 0 0 0 0 0
Wayne Stafford [FS] 53 1 0 1 2 0 0
Eric Wade [LOLB] 51 5 0 0 0 1 0
Glen Gibron [ROLB] 50 4 0 1 0 0 0
Woodley Brown [DLE] 42 20 0 9 0 0 0
Jonathan Towler [DLT/NG] 40 12 0 7 0 0 0
Dick Joyce [LILB/MLB] 35 3 0 2 0 0 0
Darrell Smith [DRT] (R) 34 13 0 5 0 1 0
Tracy Southey [DRE] (R) 30 6 1 1 0 0 0
Bernard Nagler [RILB] 13 3 0 2 0 0 0
Darrin Betz [LB] 12 3 0 1 0 0 0
Bart Campbell [DL] 10 5 0 4 0 0 0
Jarred Poore [DB] 9 2 0 2 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Adalberto Vanmeter 25 22 88.0 57 18 17 94.4 83

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Ralph Washington 59 2549 43.2 67 1 25 7

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Quintin Bair 20 587 29.4 37 0
Taylor Vera 7 132 18.9 25 0

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Cloyce Jung 17 82 4.8 12 0 9
Don Ansley 7 28 4.0 9 0 3

Season Stats for MIDWAY (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
MIDWAY 37 90 43 105 0 275
Opponents 46 47 58 97 0 248

Game Stats MIDWAY Opponents
Scoring 275 248
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 241 (90/133/18) 191 (63/112/16)
Rushes - Yards 347 - 1675 294 - 1258
Passing Yards 2666 2759
Sacked - Yards Lost 25 - 128 39 - 191
Total Offense 4213 3826
Comp-Att-Int 232-351-4 (66.1%) 208-326-7 (63.8%)
Fumbles / Lost 12-5 7-4
Turnovers 9 11
Penalties-Yards 40-337 29-267
Punts / Average 51-41.9 55-44.1
Field Goals Made / Att 16-25 17-22
Third Downs Converted 64-144 (44.4%) 51-143 (35.7%)
Fourth Downs Converted 1-2 (50.0%) 2-7 (28.6%)
Time of Possession 271:35 248:25

MIDWAY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Ken Rogers [QB] 230 348 66.1 2592 7.4 131 24 4 80T 24 122 106.4
Lou Huckabee [QB] (R) 2 3 66.7 74 24.7 2 1 0 72T 1 6 149.3

MIDWAY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Dom Neumann [HB] (R) 217 1033 4.8 54 5 50 6 3
Miles Barham [FB] 62 330 5.3 19 1 45 2 0
Ken Rogers [QB] 36 201 5.6 11 1 23 0 0
Tad Gerald [HB] 29 79 2.7 4 0 22 0 0
JC Parris [FB] 1 1 1.0 0 0 1 0 0
Carl Bradford [TE] 1 10 10.0 1 0 10 0 0
Jose Dalton [WR] 1 21 21.0 1 0 21 0 0

MIDWAY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Jose Dalton [WR] 58 730 12.6 37 9 45
Paris Covert [WR] 51 533 10.5 32 2 33
Don Stansfield [TE] 36 457 12.7 21 3 54T
Dom Neumann [HB] (R) 36 320 8.9 12 1 80T
Roy Morgan [WR] 21 276 13.1 14 4 35
Miles Barham [FB] 15 149 9.9 5 2 39T
Carl Bradford [TE] 7 133 19.0 8 4 72T
Tad Gerald [HB] 5 23 4.6 2 0 11
JC Parris [FB] 2 22 11.0 1 0 17
Bernard Sandford [TE] 1 23 23.0 1 0 23
Ken Baird [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Lamar Brookshier [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

MIDWAY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Dom Neumann [HB] (R) 1033 320 1353 0 54 12 6
Jose Dalton [WR] 21 730 751 0 1 37 9
Paris Covert [WR] 0 533 533 0 0 32 2
Miles Barham [FB] 330 149 479 0 19 5 3
Don Stansfield [TE] 0 457 457 0 0 21 3
Roy Morgan [WR] 0 276 276 0 0 14 4
Ken Rogers [QB] 201 0 201 131 11 0 1
Carl Bradford [TE] 10 133 143 0 1 8 4
Tad Gerald [HB] 79 23 102 0 4 2 0
Bernard Sandford [TE] 0 23 23 0 0 1 0
JC Parris [FB] 1 22 23 0 0 1 0

MIDWAY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Barney Randall [LCB] 64 2 0 0 2 0 1
Leo Kraus [LOLB] 56 5 0 4 0 1 0
Vic Svare [SS] (R) 53 1 0 1 0 0 0
Frederick Hazelton [LILB/MLB] (R) 50 8 0 2 2 0 0
Philip Grier [DRT] 48 33 0 15 0 0 0
Esteban Gomes [RCB] 47 1 0 0 1 1 0
Waylon House [DLT/NG] 45 15 0 5 0 0 0
Mikel Beauregard [DLE] 42 12 0 4 0 0 0
Hank Famous [ROLB] 40 4 0 0 0 0 0
Rene Gamez [FS] 33 0 0 0 2 1 0
Lin Williams [DRE] 25 11 0 7 0 1 0
Mitchell Patterson [RILB] 23 2 0 1 0 0 0
Frank O-Keeffe [Nickel] 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
Antony Bray [LB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Trinidad Janssen [DB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Glenn Richardson [Dime] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

MIDWAY Kicking
Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
George Zaragoza 25 16 64.0 53 29 27 93.1 75

MIDWAY Punting
Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Jamie Hacker 50 2136 42.7 63 1 29 2

MIDWAY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Ben Cummings 12 322 26.8 34 0
Toby Ashcraft 9 153 17.0 25 0

MIDWAY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Harry Tunnell 13 91 7.0 29 0 12
Gregg Russell 7 27 3.9 8 0 1

Season Stats for NEWPORT BAY (5-8-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
NEWPORT BAY 48 67 16 78 3 212
Opponents 38 72 78 78 0 266

Game Stats NEWPORT BAY Opponents
Scoring 212 266
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 180 (40/130/10) 219 (69/136/14)
Rushes - Yards 253 - 831 340 - 1456
Passing Yards 2974 2897
Sacked - Yards Lost 36 - 185 16 - 88
Total Offense 3620 4265
Comp-Att-Int 243-381-6 (63.8%) 239-353-7 (67.7%)
Fumbles / Lost 4-3 17-7
Turnovers 9 14
Penalties-Yards 27-261 35-339
Punts / Average 67-43.9 49-44.3
Field Goals Made / Att 14-18 14-21
Third Downs Converted 56-154 (36.4%) 75-154 (48.7%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-6 (50.0%) 0-2 (0.0%)
Time of Possession 247:17 276:05

NEWPORT BAY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
John Sinclair [QB] 240 375 64.0 2945 7.9 128 18 5 80T 36 185 98.6
Henry Karilivacz [QB] (R) 3 6 50.0 29 4.8 2 0 1 14 0 0 24.3

NEWPORT BAY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Logan Massey [HB] 167 519 3.1 24 5 36 1 0
Ricky Kramer [FB] 43 137 3.2 6 1 30T 0 0
Mose Gilson [HB] 35 162 4.6 8 0 39 1 1
John Sinclair [QB] 6 5 0.8 1 0 4 0 0
Herbert Rutherford [TE] 1 2 2.0 0 0 2 0 0
Marcus Gooden [WR] 1 6 6.0 1 0 6 2 2

NEWPORT BAY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Ray Robinson [WR] 72 830 11.5 39 6 44
Marcus Gooden [WR] 43 758 17.6 26 4 80T
Herbert Rutherford [TE] 38 562 14.8 24 1 42
Logan Massey [HB] 29 218 7.5 10 1 45
George Scales [WR] 25 302 12.1 14 3 43
Mose Gilson [HB] 14 75 5.4 4 1 20
Boris Mueller [WR] 9 160 17.8 8 1 29
Ricky Kramer [FB] 8 39 4.9 2 0 12
Max Baumann [TE] 3 18 6.0 1 1 7T
Kelley Justus [FB] 2 12 6.0 2 0 9
Dom Springfield [TE] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Emerson Pinkerton [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

NEWPORT BAY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Ray Robinson [WR] 0 830 830 0 0 39 6
Marcus Gooden [WR] 6 758 764 0 1 26 4
Logan Massey [HB] 519 218 737 0 24 10 6
Herbert Rutherford [TE] 2 562 564 0 0 24 1
George Scales [WR] 0 302 302 0 0 14 3
Mose Gilson [HB] 162 75 237 0 8 4 1
Ricky Kramer [FB] 137 39 176 0 6 2 1
Boris Mueller [WR] 0 160 160 0 0 8 1
Max Baumann [TE] 0 18 18 0 0 1 1
Kelley Justus [FB] 0 12 12 0 0 2 0
John Sinclair [QB] 5 0 5 128 1 0 0

NEWPORT BAY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Al Judge [ROLB] (R) 81 8 0 3 1 0 0
Greg Glick [LOLB] 64 5 0 3 0 0 0
Rosey Bentham [SS] 61 1 0 0 1 0 0
Jerry Ansley [LILB/MLB] 59 9 0 4 2 3 0
Rex Regalado [RILB] 59 2 0 0 0 2 0
Dean Hornsby [FS] 58 1 0 0 0 1 0
Carey Gorham [RCB] 50 2 0 0 2 0 0
Marcelino Dorsey [DLT/NG] 46 13 0 2 0 0 0
Willie Fischer [LCB] 42 2 0 1 1 0 0
Jeremy Hooks [DLE] 30 11 0 2 0 0 0
Henry Nagler [DRE] 22 7 0 0 0 0 0
Gene Morton [Nickel] 7 1 0 1 0 0 0
Kip Riddick [LB] 7 0 0 0 0 1 0
Blaine Schneider [DRT] (R) 5 4 0 0 0 0 0
Adolfo Wiggins [DL] 4 1 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Duane Carbone 18 14 77.8 51 20 20 100.0 62

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Nathan Acton 67 2939 43.9 65 0 25 11

NEWPORT BAY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Raymond Cullen 8 206 25.8 34 0
Taylor Light 6 145 24.2 32 0

NEWPORT BAY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Rayford Watts 16 134 8.4 15 0 10
Walton Pool 6 22 3.7 6 0 1

Season Stats for OAKDALE (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
OAKDALE 38 107 34 97 0 276
Opponents 77 62 23 86 3 251

Game Stats OAKDALE Opponents
Scoring 276 251
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 207 (66/130/11) 213 (55/139/19)
Rushes - Yards 294 - 1287 329 - 1338
Passing Yards 3134 2672
Sacked - Yards Lost 19 - 94 22 - 102
Total Offense 4327 3908
Comp-Att-Int 246-371-10 (66.3%) 239-386-9 (61.9%)
Fumbles / Lost 6-4 12-5
Turnovers 14 14
Penalties-Yards 36-316 32-267
Punts / Average 56-41.1 55-43.8
Field Goals Made / Att 12-16 18-21
Third Downs Converted 57-138 (41.3%) 76-165 (46.1%)
Fourth Downs Converted 1-5 (20.0%) 3-7 (42.9%)
Time of Possession 255:46 270:12

OAKDALE Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
John St. John [QB] 188 286 65.7 2424 8.5 104 13 10 80T 9 49 92.8
George Lee [QB] (R) 58 84 69.0 710 8.5 26 3 0 86T 10 45 106.7
Timmy Royal [HB] 0 1 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39.6

OAKDALE Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Timmy Royal [HB] 178 849 4.8 41 10 82T 2 1
Derek Clemens [FB] 43 93 2.2 3 2 8 1 1
Marc Lewis [HB] 38 179 4.7 11 1 20 0 0
John St. John [QB] 30 132 4.4 8 3 14 2 1
George Lee [QB] (R) 2 17 8.5 2 0 15 0 0
Maury Bradshaw [WR] 1 11 11.0 1 0 11 0 0
John Swayed [TE] 1 3 3.0 0 0 3 0 0
Wally Tuck [FB] 1 3 3.0 0 0 3 0 0

OAKDALE Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
John Swayed [TE] 61 735 12.0 32 5 53
Dick Belton [WR] 58 800 13.8 32 1 52
Maury Bradshaw [WR] 48 614 12.8 27 4 50
Timmy Royal [HB] 32 407 12.7 18 5 86T
Antony Goetz [WR] 28 406 14.5 16 1 60T
Marc Lewis [HB] 6 40 6.7 1 0 16
Les Wilkins [TE] 5 29 5.8 1 0 14
Leon Morris [WR] (R) 4 73 18.3 2 0 32
Derek Clemens [FB] 4 30 7.5 1 0 15
Lindon Norman [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Kline Blackwood [TE] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

OAKDALE Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Timmy Royal [HB] 849 407 1256 0 41 18 15
Dick Belton [WR] 0 800 800 0 0 32 1
John Swayed [TE] 3 735 738 0 0 32 5
Maury Bradshaw [WR] 11 614 625 0 1 27 4
Antony Goetz [WR] 0 406 406 0 0 16 1
Marc Lewis [HB] 179 40 219 0 11 1 1
John St. John [QB] 132 0 132 104 8 0 3
Derek Clemens [FB] 93 30 123 0 3 1 2
Leon Morris [WR] (R) 0 73 73 0 0 2 0
Les Wilkins [TE] 0 29 29 0 0 1 0
George Lee [QB] (R) 17 0 17 26 2 0 0
Wally Tuck [FB] 3 0 3 0 0 0 0

OAKDALE Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Bob Burk [LOLB] (R) 69 7 1 3 0 0 0
Raymond Spalding [SS] 66 1 0 0 3 1 0
Brice Coley [LILB/MLB] 64 6 1 2 0 1 0
Buzz Casares [ROLB] 55 5 0 0 0 0 0
Stephan Turley [RCB] 53 3 0 0 3 1 0
Bobby Cott [RILB] 52 4 0 1 1 1 0
Weldon Young [FS] 52 4 0 0 1 0 0
Earle Tanaka [LCB] 48 2 0 0 1 0 0
Caleb Abreu [DLT/NG] 42 17 0 10 0 0 0
Roy Moore [DLE] (R) 35 11 0 4 0 1 0
Salvador Reichert [DRE] 30 8 0 1 0 0 0
Rosario Sorensen [Nickel] 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Michel Banda [DRT] 8 2 0 0 0 0 0
Branden Barnard [DB] 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alexander Stansfield [DL] 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Stefan Hass 16 12 75.0 50 32 30 93.8 66

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Don Box 56 2301 41.1 63 0 27 3

OAKDALE Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Dick Bagwell 18 489 27.2 34 0
Mitchell Cobbler 13 298 22.9 30 0

OAKDALE Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Diego Bolden 18 197 10.9 63 2 13
Taylor Leggett 3 5 1.7 5 0 6

Season Stats for RIVER HEIGHTS (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
RIVER HEIGHTS 37 82 34 66 0 219
Opponents 40 78 33 97 0 248

Game Stats RIVER HEIGHTS Opponents
Scoring 219 248
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 200 (61/123/16) 210 (80/116/14)
Rushes - Yards 284 - 1135 316 - 1545
Passing Yards 2575 2420
Sacked - Yards Lost 39 - 226 21 - 101
Total Offense 3484 3864
Comp-Att-Int 236-372-5 (63.4%) 235-376-14 (62.5%)
Fumbles / Lost 8-5 5-3
Turnovers 10 17
Penalties-Yards 25-239 39-312
Punts / Average 55-45.7 50-42.7
Field Goals Made / Att 17-21 16-20
Third Downs Converted 61-153 (39.9%) 72-152 (47.4%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-11 (27.3%) 1-5 (20.0%)
Time of Possession 254:49 265:11

Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Darryl Clifford [QB] 234 370 63.2 2565 6.9 123 17 5 53 38 222 93.4
John Rippit [QB] 2 2 100.0 10 5.0 0 0 0 7 1 4 87.5

Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Mark Gibbons [FB] 217 895 4.1 41 5 31T 5 2
Bobby Higgins [FB] (R) 26 147 5.7 11 1 38 0 0
Darryl Clifford [QB] 16 31 1.9 5 1 8 0 0
Cruz Temple [HB] 16 46 2.9 4 0 13 0 0
Toby Clemens [HB] 4 9 2.3 0 0 4 1 1
Jesse Duckett [WR] 3 4 1.3 0 0 4 1 1
Jarrett Rambo [TE] 2 3 1.5 0 0 6 1 1

RIVER HEIGHTS Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Jesse Duckett [WR] 70 845 12.1 32 4 53
William Hastings [WR] (R) 45 527 11.7 25 3 52
Jarrett Rambo [TE] 41 418 10.2 22 3 37
Mark Gibbons [FB] 31 210 6.8 14 0 24
Dennis Schuster [WR] 29 428 14.8 19 3 50
Noel Pulley [TE] 11 75 6.8 6 3 18
Bobby Higgins [FB] (R) 6 62 10.3 3 0 17
Cruz Temple [HB] 2 9 4.5 1 0 5
Graham Ferguson [WR] 1 1 1.0 1 1 1T
Kip Woody [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Luciano Pettis [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Mark Gibbons [FB] 895 210 1105 0 41 14 5
Jesse Duckett [WR] 4 845 849 0 0 32 4
William Hastings [WR] (R) 0 527 527 0 0 25 3
Dennis Schuster [WR] 0 428 428 0 0 19 3
Jarrett Rambo [TE] 3 418 421 0 0 22 3
Bobby Higgins [FB] (R) 147 62 209 0 11 3 1
Noel Pulley [TE] 0 75 75 0 0 6 3
Cruz Temple [HB] 46 9 55 0 4 1 0
Darryl Clifford [QB] 31 0 31 123 5 0 1
Toby Clemens [HB] 9 0 9 0 0 0 0
Graham Ferguson [WR] 0 1 1 0 0 1 1

RIVER HEIGHTS Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
J.C. Babcock [LILB/MLB] 83 6 0 1 2 0 0
Paul Vance [SS] 60 3 0 0 1 0 0
Nicholas Jung [LCB] 60 2 0 0 2 0 0
Jake North [RCB] 60 3 0 1 3 0 0
Lonnie Cline [FS] (R) 47 1 0 0 1 1 0
Wiley Chamberlin [ROLB] 46 4 0 1 0 0 0
Rene Krauss [LOLB] 44 10 0 3 0 0 0
Andre DeCarlo [DLE] 33 12 0 6 0 0 0
Ricky Drazenovich [DLT/NG] (R) 33 11 0 4 0 1 0
Nicholas Arnold [DRE] 30 12 0 3 0 0 0
Blaine Rooster [DRT] (R) 27 6 0 2 0 0 0
Stephen Nelson [Nickel] (R) 21 0 0 0 3 0 0
Long Jacob [DL] 13 3 0 0 0 0 0
Albert Leighton [RILB] 8 0 0 0 2 0 0
Phillip Grob [LB] 7 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Tony Perry 21 17 81.0 52 24 24 100.0 75

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Lin Tewksbury 55 2513 45.7 60 0 30 4

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Bryan Stein 10 269 26.9 32 0
Craig Tompkins 5 140 28.0 33 0

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Craig Daly 11 94 8.5 50 0 8
Vince Crawford 8 21 2.6 7 0 3

Season Stats for RIVERMOUNT (4-9-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
RIVERMOUNT 28 46 41 123 6 244
Opponents 40 103 32 106 0 281

Game Stats RIVERMOUNT Opponents
Scoring 244 281
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 201 (62/123/16) 223 (69/137/17)
Rushes - Yards 285 - 1228 339 - 1260
Passing Yards 2945 2700
Sacked - Yards Lost 27 - 133 30 - 149
Total Offense 4040 3811
Comp-Att-Int 239-384-10 (62.2%) 240-363-9 (66.1%)
Fumbles / Lost 9-4 6-4
Turnovers 14 13
Penalties-Yards 43-380 30-267
Punts / Average 57-43.7 59-43.6
Field Goals Made / Att 23-26 11-15
Third Downs Converted 54-146 (37.0%) 67-150 (44.7%)
Fourth Downs Converted 0-2 (0.0%) 1-2 (50.0%)
Time of Possession 260:48 275:45

RIVERMOUNT Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Jim Hart [QB] 236 378 62.4 2933 7.8 121 19 10 80T 27 133 92.2
Stephen Hirsch [QB] 3 6 50.0 12 2.0 2 1 0 5 0 0 95.8

RIVERMOUNT Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Ike Carroll [HB] 124 544 4.4 32 2 16 0 0
Albert Beaulieu [HB] 55 206 3.7 9 2 22 3 1
Les Harder [FB] (R) 47 136 2.9 5 1 17 1 0
Jim Hart [QB] 45 298 6.6 16 0 22 0 0
Mark Jensen [FB] 14 44 3.1 0 0 9 0 0

RIVERMOUNT Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Marlin Maier [WR] 51 664 13.0 27 3 39
Carey Clemons [WR] 46 523 11.4 28 6 42
Eugene Babin [TE] 42 611 14.5 19 3 80T
Ike Carroll [HB] 30 289 9.6 15 0 51
Andres Higgins [WR] 27 414 15.3 17 4 47
Albert Beaulieu [HB] 15 82 5.5 6 2 16
Les Harder [FB] (R) 10 87 8.7 3 0 48
Emerson Bird [WR] 8 155 19.4 4 1 68T
Mark Jensen [FB] 6 28 4.7 1 0 7
Garry Brand [TE] 3 49 16.3 2 0 24
Lonnie Magee [TE] 1 43 43.0 1 1 43T
Walt Cunningham [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

RIVERMOUNT Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Ike Carroll [HB] 544 289 833 0 32 15 2
Marlin Maier [WR] 0 664 664 0 0 27 3
Eugene Babin [TE] 0 611 611 0 0 19 3
Carey Clemons [WR] 0 523 523 0 0 28 6
Andres Higgins [WR] 0 414 414 0 0 17 4
Jim Hart [QB] 298 0 298 121 16 0 0
Albert Beaulieu [HB] 206 82 288 0 9 6 4
Les Harder [FB] (R) 136 87 223 0 5 3 1
Emerson Bird [WR] 0 155 155 0 0 4 1
Mark Jensen [FB] 44 28 72 0 0 1 0
Garry Brand [TE] 0 49 49 0 0 2 0
Lonnie Magee [TE] 0 43 43 0 0 1 1

RIVERMOUNT Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Duncan DuBois [LILB/MLB] 87 12 0 1 1 1 0
Cristobal Kraus [LOLB] 64 9 0 3 0 0 0
Leon Guglielmi [LCB] (R) 62 2 0 1 2 0 0
Kent Mathews [SS] 56 1 0 0 0 0 0
Darrell Joyce [DRE] 55 20 0 5 0 1 0
Ivan Cambell [RCB] 50 3 0 1 2 0 0
Dannie Skelton [DLE] 50 18 0 1 0 0 0
Domingo Dobbs [ROLB] 48 10 0 2 0 0 0
Emlen Jeter [DLT/NG] 45 18 0 6 0 0 0
Joseph Johnston [FS] (R) 37 1 0 0 3 1 0
Kenneth MacDermott [DRT] 31 12 0 7 0 0 0
Philip Krieger [RILB] 12 3 0 3 0 0 0
Trent Walling [Nickel] 8 0 0 0 1 0 0
John Walling [DL] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Elroy Crazy Legs Paul 26 23 88.5 56 19 19 100.0 88

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Thurman Jenkins 57 2491 43.7 55 0 31 5

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Rene Masterson 13 312 24.0 31 0
Josue Galbraith 11 245 22.3 29 0

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Thurman Walling 10 50 5.0 9 0 11
Ronald Hadleigh 7 33 4.7 16 0 2

Season Stats for ROXFORD (10-3-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
ROXFORD 52 78 30 95 0 255
Opponents 37 27 48 94 0 206

Game Stats ROXFORD Opponents
Scoring 255 206
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 219 (88/104/27) 194 (66/107/21)
Rushes - Yards 345 - 1615 286 - 1266
Passing Yards 2284 2311
Sacked - Yards Lost 24 - 127 27 - 132
Total Offense 3772 3445
Comp-Att-Int 219-330-12 (66.4%) 216-341-11 (63.3%)
Fumbles / Lost 7-1 9-3
Turnovers 13 14
Penalties-Yards 31-279 35-384
Punts / Average 57-43.0 59-41.6
Field Goals Made / Att 16-20 9-15
Third Downs Converted 61-145 (42.1%) 49-134 (36.6%)
Fourth Downs Converted 2-2 (100.0%) 0-5 (0.0%)
Time of Possession 276:12 243:48

ROXFORD Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Mike McKoffski [QB] 216 326 66.3 2226 6.8 102 19 11 74T 23 126 91.1
Weldon Gambold [QB] 3 4 75.0 58 14.5 2 0 1 30 1 1 77.1

ROXFORD Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Kimbo Kolumbay [HB] 217 1069 4.9 49 4 50 1 0
Don Snape [FB] 45 159 3.5 9 2 14 1 0
Anderson Elam [HB] 43 195 4.5 12 2 15 0 0
Mike McKoffski [QB] 37 193 5.2 18 2 34 0 0
Maxwell Field [WR] 2 -2 -1.0 0 0 0 1 0
Craig Jansen [FB] 1 1 1.0 0 0 1 0 0

ROXFORD Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Darwin Faulk [TE] 47 459 9.8 22 2 41
Maxwell Field [WR] 44 566 12.9 21 2 47
Kimbo Kolumbay [HB] 36 347 9.6 15 4 74T
Mark Ryan [WR] 36 347 9.6 20 3 43
Joan Barney [WR] 27 343 12.7 16 3 32
Bruce Simmons [TE] 8 40 5.0 3 3 8T
Don Snape [FB] 8 29 3.6 1 0 14
Lawrence Fitch [WR] 5 106 21.2 4 0 50
Jeramy Garrison [TE] 5 35 7.0 2 2 9
Anderson Elam [HB] 3 12 4.0 0 0 9
Jeramy Bryan [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

ROXFORD Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Kimbo Kolumbay [HB] 1069 347 1416 0 49 15 8
Maxwell Field [WR] -2 566 564 0 0 21 2
Darwin Faulk [TE] 0 459 459 0 0 22 2
Mark Ryan [WR] 0 347 347 0 0 20 3
Joan Barney [WR] 0 343 343 0 0 16 3
Anderson Elam [HB] 195 12 207 0 12 0 2
Mike McKoffski [QB] 193 0 193 102 18 0 2
Don Snape [FB] 159 29 188 0 9 1 2
Lawrence Fitch [WR] 0 106 106 0 0 4 0
Bruce Simmons [TE] 0 40 40 0 0 3 3
Jeramy Garrison [TE] 0 35 35 0 0 2 2
Craig Jansen [FB] 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

ROXFORD Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Charile Boyle [LILB/MLB] (R) 65 5 0 1 0 0 0
Bobby Maher [SS] 58 2 1 0 3 0 0
Chauncey Jaynes [LOLB] 53 9 0 3 0 0 0
Bill Brookshier [DRE] 49 16 0 5 0 0 0
Bryan Robinson [LCB] (R) 47 1 0 0 1 1 0
Thomas Taylor [RCB] (R) 46 0 0 0 3 0 0
Rayford Newsome [DRT] 46 15 0 4 0 1 0
Carey Pederson [DLT/NG] 42 16 0 8 0 0 0
Thanh Jefferies [FS] 40 1 0 1 3 0 0
George Christiansen [ROLB] (R) 31 6 0 3 0 1 0
Johnny Sanders [DLE] 22 7 0 2 0 0 0
Toby Brink [Nickel] 14 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kip Mendez [RILB] 12 0 0 0 1 0 0
Dick Night Train Sidney [LB] 3 1 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Conrad Cotton 20 16 80.0 53 29 29 100.0 77

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Samuel Everleigh 56 2449 43.7 63 1 26 6

ROXFORD Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Kareem Walling 11 306 27.8 35 0
Jae Nielsen 6 160 26.7 31 0

ROXFORD Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Ray Rivera 18 111 6.2 11 0 13
John Niels 8 31 3.9 7 0 4

Season Stats for SEASIDE (4-9-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
SEASIDE 40 90 20 109 6 265
Opponents 62 86 67 70 0 285

Game Stats SEASIDE Opponents
Scoring 265 285
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 223 (55/143/25) 219 (64/134/21)
Rushes - Yards 279 - 1187 325 - 1260
Passing Yards 3041 3004
Sacked - Yards Lost 30 - 184 17 - 104
Total Offense 4044 4160
Comp-Att-Int 254-397-10 (64.0%) 262-366-6 (71.6%)
Fumbles / Lost 9-3 14-6
Turnovers 13 12
Penalties-Yards 38-388 43-418
Punts / Average 56-44.3 52-42.7
Field Goals Made / Att 13-14 17-22
Third Downs Converted 58-145 (40.0%) 68-150 (45.3%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-9 (33.3%) 0-0
Time of Possession 248:25 277:27

SEASIDE Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Vitamin Stephens [QB] 178 270 65.9 2147 8.0 101 20 9 55 23 139 101.0
Blaine Hughes [QB] 76 127 59.8 894 7.0 42 6 1 52 7 45 93.8

SEASIDE Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Steven Colby [HB] 155 662 4.3 31 4 37 4 1
Horace Ramirez [HB] 49 181 3.7 7 1 30 2 0
Aron Reaves [FB] 37 123 3.3 6 0 34 0 0
Vitamin Stephens [QB] 21 127 6.0 7 0 13 2 2
Blaine Hughes [QB] 13 71 5.5 4 2 20 0 0
Alejandro Sherrill [FB] 4 23 5.8 0 0 12 0 0

SEASIDE Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Roy Sugar [WR] 77 961 12.5 43 6 46
Randal Coffey [WR] 68 832 12.2 43 7 55
Jarrett Cass [TE] 35 449 12.8 19 3 43
Steven Colby [HB] 26 240 9.2 10 2 42
Devin Adam [WR] 18 281 15.6 14 4 52
Aron Reaves [FB] 9 50 5.6 4 1 16
Horace Ramirez [HB] 8 93 11.6 3 0 24
Roger Ritchie [TE] 7 62 8.9 2 2 21
Quinn Embry [WR] 3 57 19.0 3 1 34
Joseph Perales [TE] 3 16 5.3 2 0 11
Dante Temple [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

SEASIDE Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Roy Sugar [WR] 0 961 961 0 0 43 6
Steven Colby [HB] 662 240 902 0 31 10 6
Randal Coffey [WR] 0 832 832 0 0 43 7
Jarrett Cass [TE] 0 449 449 0 0 19 3
Devin Adam [WR] 0 281 281 0 0 14 4
Horace Ramirez [HB] 181 93 274 0 7 3 1
Aron Reaves [FB] 123 50 173 0 6 4 1
Vitamin Stephens [QB] 127 0 127 101 7 0 0
Blaine Hughes [QB] 71 0 71 42 4 0 2
Roger Ritchie [TE] 0 62 62 0 0 2 2
Quinn Embry [WR] 0 57 57 0 0 3 1
Alejandro Sherrill [FB] 23 0 23 0 0 0 0
Joseph Perales [TE] 0 16 16 0 0 2 0

SEASIDE Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Glenn Young [LILB/MLB] (R) 102 15 0 4 0 1 0
Derrell McGee [SS] 64 1 0 0 2 1 0
Jewel Pepper [LOLB] 60 12 0 4 0 0 0
Gregory Meadows [RCB] 60 0 0 0 3 0 0
Jess Rooney [ROLB] 54 6 0 2 0 0 0
Danny Thompson [FS] 53 3 0 0 0 0 0
Jerry Lipscomb [LCB] 43 0 0 0 1 1 0
Michael Lee [DRE] (R) 40 16 0 4 0 2 0
Red Sheehan [DLT/NG] (R) 37 17 0 2 0 0 0
Ebert Tunnell [DRT] 34 11 0 0 0 1 0
Gerald Brent [DLE] 28 7 0 0 0 0 0
Mac Hewitt [Nickel] 13 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lonnie Peterson [RILB] (R) 9 1 0 0 0 0 0
Jason Elias [DL] 4 2 0 1 0 0 0
TE3 Cunningham [LB] 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Marcel Barnette [Dime] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Maximo Crespo 14 13 92.9 51 31 28 90.3 67

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Don Wolf 56 2478 44.3 61 0 26 1

SEASIDE Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Tad Gainey 12 337 28.1 34 0
Jarod Avery 9 222 24.7 33 0

SEASIDE Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Dub Foley 15 62 4.1 11 0 9
Ollie Milton 4 14 3.5 8 0 5

Season Stats for SILVER BAY (4-9-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
SILVER BAY 52 77 43 85 0 257
Opponents 57 87 54 79 0 277

Game Stats SILVER BAY Opponents
Scoring 257 277
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 199 (54/129/16) 208 (72/116/20)
Rushes - Yards 279 - 1205 322 - 1434
Passing Yards 2854 2783
Sacked - Yards Lost 24 - 136 23 - 130
Total Offense 3923 4087
Comp-Att-Int 238-367-12 (64.9%) 223-339-3 (65.8%)
Fumbles / Lost 5-2 10-6
Turnovers 14 9
Penalties-Yards 48-436 40-390
Punts / Average 56-43.3 58-42.1
Field Goals Made / Att 18-20 19-22
Third Downs Converted 53-136 (39.0%) 54-145 (37.2%)
Fourth Downs Converted 3-6 (50.0%) 3-6 (50.0%)
Time of Possession 255:13 264:47

SILVER BAY Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Hugy Altham [QB] 228 357 63.9 2738 7.7 123 20 12 68T 24 136 91.9
Adrian Stroud [QB] (R) 10 10 100.0 116 11.6 6 1 0 45 0 0 148.3

SILVER BAY Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Darrell Walston [HB] (R) 148 792 5.4 34 2 41 3 0
Davis Fernandes [HB] 54 169 3.1 6 2 17 0 0
Peter Danner [FB] 45 110 2.4 7 3 13 0 0
Wally Ridley [FB] 15 47 3.1 3 0 13 0 0
Hugy Altham [QB] 14 80 5.7 4 1 42 0 0
Joseph Tom [TE] 1 -2 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0
Jewel Jaynes [WR] 1 6 6.0 0 0 6 0 0
Adrian Stroud [QB] (R) 1 3 3.0 0 0 3 0 0

SILVER BAY Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Mohammed Sena [WR] 56 617 11.0 26 3 42
Clifford Murray [TE] 50 633 12.7 24 7 55T
Jewel Jaynes [WR] 35 464 13.3 23 1 38
Jackie Heard [WR] 30 372 12.4 16 1 32
Darrell Walston [HB] (R) 27 303 11.2 16 3 68T
Davis Fernandes [HB] 12 159 13.3 6 0 45
Peter Danner [FB] 10 57 5.7 6 4 21
Joseph Tom [TE] 9 161 17.9 7 1 33
Bruno Carter [WR] (R) 7 78 11.1 5 1 31
Wally Ridley [FB] 1 6 6.0 0 0 6
Robbie Haskell [TE] 1 4 4.0 0 0 4
Alden Robbins [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

SILVER BAY Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Darrell Walston [HB] (R) 792 303 1095 0 34 16 5
Clifford Murray [TE] 0 633 633 0 0 24 7
Mohammed Sena [WR] 0 617 617 0 0 26 3
Jewel Jaynes [WR] 6 464 470 0 0 23 1
Jackie Heard [WR] 0 372 372 0 0 16 1
Davis Fernandes [HB] 169 159 328 0 6 6 2
Peter Danner [FB] 110 57 167 0 7 6 7
Joseph Tom [TE] -2 161 159 0 0 7 1
Hugy Altham [QB] 80 0 80 123 4 0 1
Bruno Carter [WR] (R) 0 78 78 0 0 5 1
Wally Ridley [FB] 47 6 53 0 3 0 0
Robbie Haskell [TE] 0 4 4 0 0 0 0
Adrian Stroud [QB] (R) 3 0 3 6 0 0 0

SILVER BAY Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Phillip Waller [LILB/MLB] 91 14 0 0 0 1 0
Douglass Tripp [LCB] 60 3 0 0 0 1 0
DB6 Sewell [DLT/NG] 59 20 0 2 0 2 0
Leon Van Brocklin [RCB] (R) 53 1 0 0 0 0 0
Bruce Reid [LOLB] 52 4 0 3 1 0 0
Curt Upchurch [ROLB] 43 2 0 1 0 0 0
Kevin Morton [FS] (R) 42 0 0 0 1 1 0
Johnathon Bivens [DLE] 42 11 0 3 0 0 0
Rayford Albert [SS] 41 2 0 1 1 0 0
Victor Bagley [DRE] 33 15 1 10 0 1 0
Rickey Hawkins [DRT] 27 7 0 3 0 0 0
Roger Alaniz [Nickel] 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
Buzz Birkenhead [RILB] 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Joe Mahaffey [DL] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Billy Ray Webster [Dime] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Marcus Gladden [LB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Mathew Brantley 20 18 90.0 51 27 27 100.0 81

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Perry Hornung 56 2425 43.3 65 0 13 5

SILVER BAY Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Earl Rayden 18 433 24.1 31 0
Davis Higdon 10 295 29.5 35 0

SILVER BAY Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Harley Gresham 13 110 8.5 32 0 16
Tyrone Nelson 9 35 3.9 7 0 2

Season Stats for ST. CRUZE (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
ST. CRUZE 48 65 55 74 3 245
Opponents 36 85 63 106 3 293

Game Stats ST. CRUZE Opponents
Scoring 245 293
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 184 (61/110/13) 211 (57/137/17)
Rushes - Yards 307 - 1213 303 - 1373
Passing Yards 2728 3001
Sacked - Yards Lost 30 - 185 29 - 164
Total Offense 3756 4210
Comp-Att-Int 213-334-12 (63.8%) 256-364-7 (70.3%)
Fumbles / Lost 12-6 9-6
Turnovers 18 13
Penalties-Yards 33-305 39-399
Punts / Average 50-42.1 51-42.7
Field Goals Made / Att 29-31 22-26
Third Downs Converted 49-138 (35.5%) 65-144 (45.1%)
Fourth Downs Converted 2-6 (33.3%) 1-3 (33.3%)
Time of Possession 251:54 276:29

ST. CRUZE Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Tom Kennedy [QB] 213 334 63.8 2728 8.2 110 16 12 95T 30 185 90.3
Alvin Grier [QB] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

ST. CRUZE Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Joe Steel [HB] 164 889 5.4 39 2 50 3 1
Trey Yanny [HB] 64 138 2.2 11 5 13 1 1
Clifford Ward [FB] (R) 39 82 2.1 7 0 9 0 0
Tom Kennedy [QB] 21 84 4.0 3 0 32 1 0
Dominick Robbins [FB] 19 20 1.1 1 0 6 2 2

ST. CRUZE Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Mark Clay [WR] 61 895 14.7 33 5 74T
Jim DuPree [WR] 43 672 15.6 23 4 95T
Otto Hayhurst [TE] (R) 40 436 10.9 21 2 50
Bob Mutscheller [WR] 24 282 11.8 16 3 32
Joe Steel [HB] 20 205 10.3 6 1 46T
Clifford Ward [FB] (R) 10 86 8.6 4 0 31
Marcelino Leak [TE] 6 65 10.8 3 1 38
Trey Yanny [HB] 6 49 8.2 2 0 13
Joel Tanaka [TE] 2 34 17.0 2 0 17
Dominick Robbins [FB] 1 4 4.0 0 0 4
Gino Lucas [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Tommie Jefferson [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

ST. CRUZE Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Joe Steel [HB] 889 205 1094 0 39 6 3
Mark Clay [WR] 0 895 895 0 0 33 5
Jim DuPree [WR] 0 672 672 0 0 23 4
Otto Hayhurst [TE] (R) 0 436 436 0 0 21 2
Bob Mutscheller [WR] 0 282 282 0 0 16 3
Trey Yanny [HB] 138 49 187 0 11 2 5
Clifford Ward [FB] (R) 82 86 168 0 7 4 0
Tom Kennedy [QB] 84 0 84 110 3 0 0
Marcelino Leak [TE] 0 65 65 0 0 3 1
Joel Tanaka [TE] 0 34 34 0 0 2 0
Dominick Robbins [FB] 20 4 24 0 1 0 0

ST. CRUZE Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Ralph Husmann [LOLB] 69 5 0 0 1 2 0
David Haag [SS] 64 0 0 0 1 0 0
Jewel Rains [RCB] 63 1 0 0 1 0 0
Thurman Gibbs [LCB] 59 3 0 1 2 0 0
Paul Brixton [LILB/MLB] 52 6 0 2 0 0 0
Blaine Wagoner [ROLB] 48 9 0 3 0 0 0
Eric Enfield [FS] 46 3 0 1 0 1 0
Taylor Altman [DLT/NG] 41 19 0 12 0 2 0
Mike Joyce [DRE] 37 8 0 2 0 0 0
Mike Phillips [DLE] (R) 36 6 0 2 0 1 0
Ray Mallory [DRT] 33 13 0 5 0 0 0
Malik Jacks [RILB] 19 2 0 1 0 0 0
Bill Farragut [Nickel] 17 0 0 0 2 0 0
Jeffrey Tunnell [DL] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
John Trimwade [LB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

ST. CRUZE Kicking
Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Jackson Meyers 31 29 93.5 51 19 18 94.7 105

ST. CRUZE Punting
Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Darrin Battles 50 2106 42.1 52 0 23 4

ST. CRUZE Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Vitamin Wagoner 16 427 26.7 34 0
Nestor Myers 11 293 26.6 34 0

ST. CRUZE Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Richie Graham 15 210 14.0 56 0 12
Nicholas Mares 10 50 5.0 14 0 2

Season Stats for ST. PATRICK (6-7-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
ST. PATRICK 55 99 50 93 0 297
Opponents 41 90 79 92 6 308

Game Stats ST. PATRICK Opponents
Scoring 297 308
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 229 (86/124/19) 200 (64/114/22)
Rushes - Yards 332 - 1544 329 - 1412
Passing Yards 2860 2933
Sacked - Yards Lost 18 - 96 22 - 119
Total Offense 4308 4226
Comp-Att-Int 245-395-8 (62.0%) 225-343-6 (65.6%)
Fumbles / Lost 16-7 12-6
Turnovers 15 12
Penalties-Yards 35-369 34-301
Punts / Average 58-47.1 63-44.3
Field Goals Made / Att 16-20 15-17
Third Downs Converted 68-160 (42.5%) 63-150 (42.0%)
Fourth Downs Converted 0-7 (0.0%) 1-5 (20.0%)
Time of Possession 265:19 261:39

ST. PATRICK Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Brett Starr [QB] 245 393 62.3 2860 7.3 124 23 8 53 18 96 95.4
Keith Lee [QB] 0 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39.6

ST. PATRICK Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Major Ogelvie [HB] 175 861 4.9 50 6 51 3 2
Timmy Baumann [FB] 66 294 4.5 16 2 78T 1 1
Jon Schmid [HB] (R) 48 171 3.6 10 2 17 0 0
Brett Starr [QB] 24 161 6.7 8 1 21 2 1
Red Allerton [FB] (R) 18 59 3.3 2 1 14 0 0
Walt Springfield [TE] 1 -2 -2.0 0 0 0 0 0

ST. PATRICK Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Rick Dozier [WR] 56 741 13.2 32 6 38
Branden Merchant [WR] 56 631 11.3 26 5 43
Josh Angel [TE] 38 511 13.4 20 5 50
Major Ogelvie [HB] 34 269 7.9 12 2 51T
Kenny Temple [WR] 23 338 14.7 17 2 53
Zack Stovall [TE] 8 114 14.3 5 1 31
Jon Schmid [HB] (R) 8 44 5.5 3 1 17
Leonard Ashton [WR] 7 120 17.1 3 0 29
Walt Springfield [TE] 6 50 8.3 4 1 16T
Red Allerton [FB] (R) 5 35 7.0 2 0 17
Timmy Baumann [FB] 4 7 1.8 0 0 5
Dave Schmidt [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

ST. PATRICK Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Major Ogelvie [HB] 861 269 1130 0 50 12 8
Rick Dozier [WR] 0 741 741 0 0 32 6
Branden Merchant [WR] 0 631 631 0 0 26 5
Josh Angel [TE] 0 511 511 0 0 20 5
Kenny Temple [WR] 0 338 338 0 0 17 2
Timmy Baumann [FB] 294 7 301 0 16 0 2
Jon Schmid [HB] (R) 171 44 215 0 10 3 3
Brett Starr [QB] 161 0 161 124 8 0 1
Leonard Ashton [WR] 0 120 120 0 0 3 0
Zack Stovall [TE] 0 114 114 0 0 5 1
Red Allerton [FB] (R) 59 35 94 0 2 2 1
Walt Springfield [TE] -2 50 48 0 0 4 1

ST. PATRICK Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Jeffery Redd [LILB/MLB] 80 4 0 0 0 2 0
Cleveland Poirier [LCB] 56 1 0 0 0 0 0
Tank Budd [LOLB] 56 6 0 1 1 0 0
Jonathan Maier [FS] 55 3 0 0 2 1 1
Darryl Reaves [SS] 54 3 0 0 3 0 0
Edward Darlington [ROLB] 51 1 0 0 0 0 0
M.L. Royston [RCB] 46 0 0 0 0 1 0
Vitamin Hartmann [DRE] (R) 42 13 0 4 0 1 0
Walt Braxton [DLT/NG] 40 13 0 6 0 0 0
Stephen McClintock [DLE] 40 24 0 8 0 0 0
Mohammed Walker [DRT] 31 4 0 1 0 0 0
Emerson Magee [Nickel] (R) 14 0 0 0 0 0 0
Alexander Acton [RILB] 8 2 0 2 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Tracy Camacho 20 16 80.0 55 33 33 100.0 81

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Dario Kasper 58 2729 47.1 62 0 23 11

ST. PATRICK Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Rickie Wang 16 456 28.5 40 0
Keneth Thompson 11 257 23.4 31 0

ST. PATRICK Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Gern Wolf 18 90 5.0 12 0 18
Lowell Nutter 5 24 4.8 8 0 5

Season Stats for STERLING (7-6-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
STERLING 89 62 64 87 0 302
Opponents 38 74 41 119 0 272

Game Stats STERLING Opponents
Scoring 302 272
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 215 (89/107/19) 204 (60/126/18)
Rushes - Yards 349 - 1692 297 - 1200
Passing Yards 2360 2793
Sacked - Yards Lost 22 - 117 21 - 112
Total Offense 3935 3881
Comp-Att-Int 198-300-5 (66.0%) 238-347-8 (68.6%)
Fumbles / Lost 16-9 9-4
Turnovers 14 12
Penalties-Yards 30-217 41-385
Punts / Average 47-42.4 57-43.5
Field Goals Made / Att 18-21 13-14
Third Downs Converted 67-139 (48.2%) 60-141 (42.6%)
Fourth Downs Converted 1-3 (33.3%) 2-3 (66.7%)
Time of Possession 263:47 256:13

STERLING Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Norm Schafer [QB] 198 300 66.0 2360 7.9 107 22 5 78T 22 117 107.4
John Starbuck [QB] 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0

STERLING Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Darren Modzelewski [HB] 196 1116 5.7 57 9 48 8 4
Norm Schafer [QB] 60 297 4.9 18 2 30T 3 1
Raphael Vasquez [HB] 37 154 4.2 8 1 34 0 0
Antonio Johnston [FB] 31 63 2.0 4 0 9 0 0
Taylor Caldwell [FB] 23 62 2.7 2 0 12 0 0
Bill Wharton [TE] 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 1 1
Jackson Whitney [TE] 1 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0

STERLING Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Davis Strother [WR] 56 751 13.4 37 7 44
Bill Wharton [TE] 39 455 11.7 18 4 66T
Darren Modzelewski [HB] 31 301 9.7 14 2 36
Dick Person [WR] 24 320 13.3 16 4 78T
Brent Stonesifer [WR] (R) 19 266 14.0 9 2 48
Jackson Whitney [TE] 12 151 12.6 8 2 45
Antonio Johnston [FB] 10 83 8.3 4 1 52
Raphael Vasquez [HB] 6 31 5.2 1 0 18
Taylor Caldwell [FB] 1 2 2.0 0 0 2
Maurice Anderson [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Geoffrey Echevarria [TE] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Phillip Reichert [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

STERLING Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Darren Modzelewski [HB] 1116 301 1417 0 57 14 11
Davis Strother [WR] 0 751 751 0 0 37 7
Bill Wharton [TE] 0 455 455 0 0 18 4
Dick Person [WR] 0 320 320 0 0 16 4
Norm Schafer [QB] 297 0 297 107 18 0 2
Brent Stonesifer [WR] (R) 0 266 266 0 0 9 2
Raphael Vasquez [HB] 154 31 185 0 8 1 1
Jackson Whitney [TE] 0 151 151 0 0 8 2
Antonio Johnston [FB] 63 83 146 0 4 4 1
Taylor Caldwell [FB] 62 2 64 0 2 0 0

STERLING Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Brent Curry [SS] 68 1 0 0 1 0 0
Hugh O-Connell [LILB/MLB] 62 6 0 2 0 1 0
Bryan Janes [RCB] 59 3 0 1 0 0 0
Bradly Cross [LCB] 58 0 0 0 2 0 0
Howard Harrington [ROLB] (R) 50 7 0 2 1 0 0
Michael Marlee [DLT/NG] 44 17 0 5 0 0 0
Toy McDonnell [FS] 42 1 0 0 3 1 0
Andrea Hill [LOLB] 39 1 0 0 0 0 0
Victor Acker [DRE] 37 12 0 5 0 0 0
Clay Carson [DRT] 34 8 0 1 0 0 0
Shane Loy [RILB] 28 0 0 0 0 1 0
Armand Ahrens [DLE] 23 10 1 5 0 1 0
Brian LB4 [Nickel] (R) 8 0 0 0 1 0 0
Dave Irvin [DL] 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Lamar Jung [DB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Dewayne Beall 21 18 85.7 57 32 32 100.0 86

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Cruz Janes 47 1995 42.4 52 0 18 1

STERLING Kick Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Lindon Anderson 15 459 30.6 97 1
Frederick Asheton 10 213 21.3 32 0

STERLING Punt Returns
Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Dave Hackett 12 207 17.3 73 0 16
Clay Bagwell 5 18 3.6 7 0 4

Season Stats for TYLERVILLE (5-8-0)
Scoring 1 2 3 4 OT TOTAL
TYLERVILLE 79 61 16 74 0 230
Opponents 45 51 63 86 9 254

Game Stats TYLERVILLE Opponents
Scoring 230 254
First Downs (Run/Pass/Pen) 181 (55/107/19) 231 (81/128/22)
Rushes - Yards 318 - 1322 334 - 1627
Passing Yards 2589 2894
Sacked - Yards Lost 19 - 111 22 - 102
Total Offense 3800 4419
Comp-Att-Int 216-331-5 (65.3%) 222-360-10 (61.7%)
Fumbles / Lost 6-2 9-6
Turnovers 7 16
Penalties-Yards 47-416 26-218
Punts / Average 66-43.7 54-43.8
Field Goals Made / Att 14-17 19-24
Third Downs Converted 52-150 (34.7%) 60-142 (42.3%)
Fourth Downs Converted 1-6 (16.7%) 0-2 (0.0%)
Time of Possession 265:41 266:34

TYLERVILLE Passing Stats
Player Comp Att Pct Yards Y/A FDs TDs Ints Long Sacks SYds Rating
Duke Rogers [QB] (R) 212 323 65.6 2565 7.9 105 15 5 78T 18 106 98.9
Jackie Bell [QB] 4 8 50.0 24 3.0 2 1 0 11 1 5 95.8

TYLERVILLE Rushing Stats
Player Rushes Yards Y/A FDs TDs Long Fumbles Fum Lost
Dennis Walling [HB] 175 707 4.0 29 4 46 3 1
Ricardo Nowak [FB] 50 163 3.3 8 1 25 0 0
Larry O-Carroll [HB] 48 187 3.9 6 0 41 2 1
Duke Rogers [QB] (R) 39 238 6.1 9 3 82T 0 0
Davis Jansen [FB] 4 15 3.8 1 0 13 0 0
Jackie Bell [QB] 2 12 6.0 2 1 9 0 0

TYLERVILLE Receiving Stats
Player Catches Yards Y/C FDs TDs Long
Marcus Wooden [WR] 56 806 14.4 33 6 50
Anton Braun [WR] 43 597 13.9 22 7 78T
Dennis Walling [HB] 36 255 7.1 13 2 35
Dick Night Train Homes [TE] 27 296 11.0 11 1 43
Jack Johns [TE] 20 308 15.4 11 0 50
Sonny Chadwick [WR] 15 188 12.5 10 0 24
Ricardo Nowak [FB] 11 82 7.5 5 0 25
Larry O-Carroll [HB] 7 53 7.6 2 0 25
Davis Jansen [FB] 1 4 4.0 0 0 4
Darius Harding [WR] 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Tony Weber [TE] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0
Leonard Preston [WR] (R) 0 0 0.0 0 0 0

TYLERVILLE Total Offense
Player Rushing Receiving Total yds FDs (P) FDs (R) FDs (C) TDs
Dennis Walling [HB] 707 255 962 0 29 13 6
Marcus Wooden [WR] 0 806 806 0 0 33 6
Anton Braun [WR] 0 597 597 0 0 22 7
Jack Johns [TE] 0 308 308 0 0 11 0
Dick Night Train Homes [TE] 0 296 296 0 0 11 1
Ricardo Nowak [FB] 163 82 245 0 8 5 1
Larry O-Carroll [HB] 187 53 240 0 6 2 0
Duke Rogers [QB] (R) 238 0 238 105 9 0 3
Sonny Chadwick [WR] 0 188 188 0 0 10 0
Davis Jansen [FB] 15 4 19 0 1 0 0
Jackie Bell [QB] 12 0 12 2 2 0 1

TYLERVILLE Defensive Stats
Player Tackles For Loss Safety Sacks Ints FumRec TDs
Waylon Guy [RCB] 71 3 0 1 2 3 0
Thomas Konig [LILB/MLB] 70 7 0 2 0 0 0
Rickey Chesser [SS] 58 1 0 0 5 3 0
Tom Bennett [FS] (R) 56 2 0 0 2 0 0
Peter Scott [LCB] (R) 55 3 0 0 1 0 0
Warren Thomas [LOLB] 49 3 0 1 0 0 0
Brooks Hauser [ROLB] 48 4 0 0 0 0 0
Shane Daly [DLT/NG] 47 16 0 4 0 0 0
Paul Mann [DLE] 34 15 0 8 0 0 0
Trey Walling [DRT] 33 4 0 1 0 0 0
Maria Adkins [DRE] 29 10 0 1 0 0 0
Steve Rechichar [Nickel] 12 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gino Schulze [RILB] 11 3 0 3 0 0 0
Mose Metcalf [Dime] 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
Carrol Jameson [DL] 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Boyd DeVore [LB] 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Player FGA FGM FG % Lng FG XPA XPM XP % Points
Chet Bagley 17 14 82.4 47 23 22 95.7 64

Player Punts Yards Y/P Lng Blkd In20 TB
Jared Burr 66 2881 43.7 60 0 25 8

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs
Norm Richardson 18 545 30.3 101 1
Jeffery Hernandez 6 172 28.7 33 0

Player Ret Yards Y/R Lng TDs FCs
Anthony Barney 16 180 11.3 61 1 6
Hal Babcock 11 64 5.8 25 0 3

Metro Football League teams, players and cities are totally fictional.